Provide harmonised health protection and sanitation considerations applicable to Cabin Crew which can be implemented globally.
- Cabin crew who are in contact with a passenger or a colleague suspected of being infected should not visit the flight deck unless it is unavoidable.
- Crew members should continue to assist passengers who become ill in-flight.
- In the case of someone suspected of having COVID-19, a crew member is to be designated to care for the passenger. That crew member must don the PPE provided in the UPK before engaging in close contact with the ill passenger. The ill passenger should be fitted with a medical mask and provided with appropriate assistance. Separate the ill person from the other passengers by a minimum of 1 metre. Where possible, this should be done by moving other passengers away. Depending on cabin design, 1 metre is usually two seats left empty in all directions. If possible, assign one toilet for use only by the ill passenger. The designated crew member(s) should comply with decontamination procedures established by the operator before resuming other duties.
- A passenger who develops symptoms in-flight should be assessed by the local public health authorities after landing and prior to disembarking the aircraft following national protocols.
- While limiting the number and frequency of physical flight crew checks, an alternative method of checking on flight crew welfare such as regular interphone calls should be implemented.
- The use of PPE should not impact the ability to carry out normal, abnormal and emergency safety procedures, such as the donning of oxygen masks, carrying out firefighting procedures etc.
- Safety demonstration equipment should not be shared to the extent feasible to reduce the likelihood of virus transmission. If it must be shared, alternate means of demonstration without the equipment should be considered or the equipment should be thoroughly sanitized between use.
- Safety demonstrations should highlight to passengers that non-medical and medical masks should be removed before donning emergency oxygen masks, should they be needed. Note that this could be achieved by an additional announcement after screening of the safety video.
Means for uniform implementation
- Ensure that these considerations are fully supported by:
- The applicable non-governmental agencies.
- Public health, immigration and customs agencies.
- Civil aviation authorities.
- A high degree of collaboration between airport operators and their associated stakeholder community.
- Associated policy, procedures and training are developed to reinforce the importance of these considerations.
- Use the Crew COVID-19 Status Card (PHC Form 1) or a similar one when appropriate.