Supporting Strategies — Information Management — Major Projects in 2018

Major Projects in 2018


An initiative to increase usability and security of ICAO systems was implemented through the introduction of a Single Sign-on framework, enabling end-user access to multiple systems with only one authentication. This feature was introduced initially to a few web-based systems, but at a later stage will be made available for most of ICAO’s systems.


Via the continuous development and rollout of the Corporate Management and Reporting Tool (CMRT) platform, in 2018 ICAO focused on expanding and streamlining the updating of information and generation of reports pertaining to the Council and the Secretary General’s office. Additional efforts in the global air navigation plan, as well as the integrated work programme, have helped to expedite report generation and the dissemination of the relevant aviation system block upgrades (ASBUs) to the various parties.


These efforts have helped to save time and effort for staff both internal to ICAO’s Headquarters and in regional offices, while offering a sustainable repository of information adaptable to the Organization’s corporate performance framework.


Major upgrades were also carried out to several business applications, such as Airport and Air Navigation Tariffs (AeroTariffs), World Air Services Agreements (WASA), Geographic Information System (GIS), Aviation Security Applications Platform (ASeAP), as well as a number of corporate information management systems.

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