Progress on ICAO's Strategic Objectives — Environmental Protection — ICAO Environmental Tools

ICAO Environmental Tools


Carbon Calculator to include cargo


ICAO continued to improve its Carbon Emissions and Green Meetings Calculators by updating their databases and methodology which apply the best available industry data to take account of factors such as aircraft type, routing and payload.


Following growing interest from the United Nations, the general public and freight forwarders to receive CO2 information on cargo shipped by air, the capabilities of the ICAO carbon calculator have been further extended to estimate carbon emissions associated with these activities. The methodology, as developed and adopted by CAEP, assesses the CO2 emissions from cargo shipped on board both passenger and dedicated cargo aircraft.


Environmental Benefits Tool (EBT)


The Environmental Benefits Tool (EBT) has been continuously maintained in order to ensure the highest possible quality level for users.


Aviation Environmental System (AES)


The Aviation Environmental System (AES) is a Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) tool, developed under the ICAO-European Union joint assistance project, to facilitate the establishment of emissions inventories and periodic reporting to ICAO of CO2 emissions from international aviation. The AES has proven to be a useful tool for States to collect environmental data from their national airlines and, subsequently, assess the actual results in terms of reductions of CO2 emissions from the implementation of mitigation measures included in their Action Plans.


In 2016, the AES was fully implemented in the selected States under the ICAO-European Union project, enabling the submission to ICAO of monthly CO2 emissions reports. The AES is being further improved based on the feedback of users and the evolution of ICAO’s recommendations and reporting requirements.

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