Global Priorities — All Strategic Objectives — Resource Mobilization — Assembly Resolution

Assembly Resolution


A39-26: Resource Management


Recognizing that air transport is a catalyst for sustainable development and that despite its socio-economic significance, it receives limited funds from existing international funding mechanisms to support its development; 


Recognizing that the successful implementation of the No Country Left Behind (NCLB) initiative will rely on an increased level of funding and investments supported by all Member States;  


Considering that, in some cases, Member States may not have access to the necessary resources to remedy the deficiencies identified through ICAO audit programmes and to enhance their air transport systems; 


Whereas most developing States experience difficulties in gaining access to many financial market sources, particularly foreign capital markets, for funding sustainable development of civil aviation; 


Whereas the Council has established, based on ICAO Strategic Objectives, thematic and multi-donor trust funds with the objective of assisting Member States in enhancing civil aviation; 


Recalling that several Assembly resolutions, including A38-2, A38-5, A38-7, A38-15, A37-16, A36-17, A36-18, A35-15, A33-1, A33-9, A29-13 and A22-19, urge States, international organizations and financial institutions to establish partnerships, mobilize resources for technical assistance and make voluntary contributions to ICAO Funds; 


Acknowledging Member States, international and regional organizations and other donors’ significant contributions to ICAO Funds associated with the fulfilment of the objectives of ICAO;  


Recognizing that a holistic and purposeful resource mobilization capacity has the potential for increasing ICAO’s support to States in facilitating access to funds to enhance their civil aviation systems; 


Whereas ICAO has a Resource Mobilization Policy aimed at achieving adequate, more predictable and sustainable voluntary contributions to realize the Organization’s mission, to complement the ICAO Regular Programme Budget, and to assist States in facilitating access to funds to enhance their safe, efficient, secure, economically viable and environmentally sound air transport system;


The Assembly:


1.           Directs the Council and Secretary General, within their respective competencies, to ensure that ICAO continue its role as an advocate for aviation by raising awareness among Member States, the United Nations system, international and regional organizations, financial institutions, the private sector and the donor community about the benefits of mobilizing resources for and investing in the sustainable development of air transport systems of all Member States;


2.           Urges Member States, the industry, international and regional organizations, financial institutions, donors and other stakeholders to support the implementation of assistance activities in line with the global and regional aviation plans and priorities established by ICAO while avoiding duplication of efforts;


3.           Requests the Secretary General to develop guidance material to assist States in including and elevating the priority of the aviation sector into their national development plans and developing robust air transport sector strategic plans and civil aviation master plans;


4.           Urges Member States to secure national funding for the sustainable development of air transport and encourages them to seek assistance from ICAO when appropriate;


5.           Urges Member States providing Official Development Assistance (ODA) to recognize the significant contributions of aviation to sustainable development by considering commitments and disbursements of financial flows to the enhancement of air transport of States in need and encourages the Secretary General to assist them in realizing this endeavour;


6.           Urges all Member States, the industry, international and regional organizations, financial institutions, donors and other stakeholders able to do so to continue making voluntary contributions to ICAO Funds and to partner with States in need with a view to providing financial and technical resources to assist in enhancing their civil aviation systems, including their oversight capabilities;


7.           Directs the Council and Secretary General, within their respective competencies, to continue fostering ICAO’s partnership with financial institutions seeking the prioritization or inclusion of aviation in their agendas and work programmes in order to facilitate States’ access to fund or finance their aviation development projects;


8.           Directs the Secretary General to develop strategies and means to mobilize resources among Member States, the UN system, international and regional organizations, financial institutions, the private sector and related mechanisms to assist States in need, especially Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), in enhancing their air transport systems when appropriate and consistent with the NCLB initiative;


9.           Directs the Secretary General to work with international organizations to ensure that aviation priorities and opportunities are properly represented in global and regional initiatives related to the mobilization of resources for the development of air transport; and


10.           Directs the Secretary General to work with international organizations to ensure that ICAO Resource Mobilization initiatives are harmonized and integrated in relevant funding and development frameworks.

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