Strategic Objective — Security and Facilitation — Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP)

Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness in Security Measures

Symposium on Innovation in Aviation Security

Air Cargo Security and Facilitation

Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness in Facilitation Measures

Facilitation (FAL) Regional Seminars

ICAO Traveller Identification Programme (TRIP)

Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP)

International Assistance/Capacity Building and Cooperation

Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)


Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP)


Since the completion of the second cycle of Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP) audits in June 2013, the programme has been transitioning to a new methodology: the USAP continuous monitoring approach (USAP-CMA).


During 2014, significant progress was made in all aspects of the transition to the USAP-CMA, including:  



the development and electronic distribution to States of new USAP-CMA protocols;​


​the development and initial testing of new audit management software, including a stand-alone version for use during USAP-CMA audits and a means to allow for improved statistical analysis;


​the development of a new format for USAP-CMA audit reports, including prioritized audit findings and protocol-based recommendations;


​the dissemination to Member States of guidelines pertaining to the signature of the new generic USAP-CMA Memorandum of Understanding (MoU); and


​the revision of the Oversight Manual (Doc 9734), Part C — The Establishment and Management of a State’s Aviation Security Oversight System.


In addition to preparing for the launch of the USAP-CMA, USAP auditors participated in six training, programme development and fact-finding missions to Antigua and Barbuda, Guinea-Bissau (on two separate occasions), Jamaica, Panama and Sao Tomé and Principe.


In preparation for the USAP-CMA, seminar-workshops were conducted in all ICAO Regions (with the exception of the Middle East Region, planned for January 2015) in order to familiarize States with the various types of USAP-CMA audit and monitoring activities. Auditor training and certification/recertification courses were also conducted in all ICAO Regions. The objective of these courses is to ensure that the USAP has access to a sufficient number of trained and certified auditors to carry out its programme of audit activities.


Over the course of 2014, one Significant Security Concern (SSeC) was resolved, leaving six unresolved SSeCs in three States posted on the USAP secure website.

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