ANC Technical Panels

To ensure all new or improved SARPs and PANS will be effective and practical for end-users, the ANC works through established panels of experts in various disciplines who are assigned specific tasks from the overall work programme. It also takes advantage of the expertise within States and international organizations to develop its technical proposals.


Each ANC Panel is supported by the ICAO Secretariat with the appointment of a Secretary, while their respective Chairpersons are elected from amongst the Panel membership. The full list of current ANC Panels is as follows:


Panel NameObjective
Aerodrome Design and Operations Panel

Develop and maintain SARPs, procedures and guidance materials for:


  • a) Global reporting format for runway surface condition reporting for aircraft operations on contaminated runways
  • b) installation of arresting system to address operational issues and criteria for design specification and acceptance by State
  • c) airport collaborative decision making (A-CDM) and industry best practices
  • d) procedures on airport operational management activities
  • e) airport emergency response including rescue and fire fighting
  • f) advanced surface movement guidance and control systems (A-SMGCS)
  • g) final approach and take-off area characteristics for heliports
  • h) obstacle limitation surfaces SARPs and related guidance material on aeronautical studies

Accident Investigation Panel

  • a) Develop and maintain provisions for accident/incident investigations in support of the GASP;
  • b) Consider new procedures, techniques and methodologies for investigations, proposing amendments to provisions and guidance as necessary;
  • c) Review Attachment E to Annex 13, along with other relevant provisions, and determine measures to enhance the protection of safety information gathered during investigations, in particular of certain accident and incident records;
  • d) Identify the category of serious incidents that could be precursors to, or associated with the types of accidents having the highest rate of fatalities (e.g. LOC-I; CFIT; runway incursion/excursion) and discuss strategies for investigating those incidents;
  • e) Consider methodologies to assist States with limited resources to conduct large scale investigations, including regional accident and incident investigation organizations (RAIOs);
  • f) Consider strengthening protection of accident and incident records, including development of guidance on protocols and agreements between accident investigation authorities and judicial authorities; and
  • g) Progress provisions for accident/incident investigations involving remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPASs).
Airworthiness Panel

Develop and maintain SARPS and guidance materials for:


  • a) Continuing airworthiness and aircraft certification provisions of Annex 8 — Airworthiness of Aircraft.
  • b) Maintenance related provisions of Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft.
  • c) Annex 7 – Aircraft nationality and registration marks
  • d) Increasing the harmonization of the regulatory approach to airworthiness related certificate and approval recognition.
Air Traffic Management Operations Panel

Develop strategy and coordinated solutions for air traffic management (i.e. air traffic services (ATS), airspace management (ASM), air traffic flow management (ATFM)), stemming from requirements elaborated in Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUs) as well as from requirements which may be elaborated by other sources, consistent with the need to ensure a harmonized global ATM operational environment.
Develop and maintain Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) and guidance material for:


  • a) air traffic services
  • b) air traffic flow management
  • c) procedures and phraseology for air traffic control
  • d) airspace management
  • e) civil military coordination


ATM Requirements & Performance Panel

In fulfilling its mandate and reflecting the Global Air Navigation Plan, the panel will develop concepts, Standards and Recommended Practices, as well as Procedures for Air Navigation Services and/or related guidance material supporting the concept of Flight and Flow Information for a Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE), Aircraft Access to System Wide Information Management (SWIM) and Trajectory-based Operations taking into account:


  • future demands on airspace and airport capacity; and
  • communication, navigation and surveillance systems available.


Communications Panel

1. Develop and update strategies and plans for aeronautical communications harmonization outlined in the Global Air Navigation Plan;
2. Consolidate and develop operational requirements for voice and data communications;
3. Monitor the development and implementation of ATM communication systems and facilities; and
4. Develop, as required, provisions and guidance material for :


  • a) Air-ground and ground-ground data applications for air traffic services
  • b) A performance-based framework for communications and surveillance
  • c) Command and Control links for Remotely Piloted Aircraft
  • d) ATC links for Remotely Piloted Aircraft.
  • e) SATCOM voice
  • f) Procedures to support ATM voice and data communications
  • g) Provisions on cyber-security for ATM communications.
  • h) Infrastructure to support the above.


Dangerous Goods Panel

Develop and maintain a global strategy to address risks associated with the transport of dangerous goods by air through the development and maintenance of applicable Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), the Technical Instructions and its related document and guidance material for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air. This includes, but is not limited to:


  • a) promoting inter-organizational/intermodal harmonization intended to facilitate safe transport;
  • b) identifying gaps in dangerous goods safety regulations;
  • c) identifying risks related to the transport of dangerous goods by air;
  • d) developing performance-based mitigation strategies to address risks; and
  • e) developing guidance for dangerous goods training and outreach with the goal of attaining full compliance with regulations by all entities involved.


Flight Operations Panel

Develop and maintain SARPS and guidance materials including flight recorder related provisions to support accident and incident investigations, for:


  • a) Commercial Air Transport operations;
  • b) General Aviation Operations; and
  • c) Helicopter Operations.


Frequency Spectrum Management Panel
  • a) Develop and maintain SARPs and guidance material to facilitate frequency management of communication, navigation and surveillance systems.
  • b) Update proposals to the ICAO spectrum strategy, mapping out the future requirements for spectrum to support communication, navigation and surveillance systems, in close cooperation with the panels responsible for those systems.
  • c) Update proposals to the detailed ICAO Policy on all relevant aeronautical frequency spectrum allocations.
  • d) Develop the ICAO Position for upcoming ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC).
  • e) Assist the ICAO Secretariat in developing input material for studies within the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) as necessary to ensure that aeronautical interests are taken care of in the development of ITU-R Recommendations and Reports and in the development of draft solutions for an upcoming WRC.
  • f) Address issues of interference from aeronautical and non-aeronautical sources.


Instrument Flight Procedures Panel

Develop and maintain flight procedures SARPs and guidance material (e.g., PANS-OPS, Docs 8697, 9905 and 9906) leading to enhanced safety, increased terminal airspace capacity and utilization, improved airport/heliport accessibility in all weather conditions, and more efficient transitions to/from en-route airspace.


Specifically this includes:
  • a) new instrument flight procedure (IFP) design criteria to address improvements in air navigation, evolving aircraft capabilities and new operational concepts;
  • b) instrument flight procedure oversight requirements;
  • c) harmonization of charting criteria, databases, and avionics systems guidance with IFP design standards and the facilitation of an efficient communication between ATC and Flight Crews;
  • d) necessary consequential amendments to impacted Annexes and ICAO Documents as a result of changes to IFP design SARPs and criteria


Information Management Panel
  • 1) Define the Global Interoperability Framework (including a minimum set of global ‘artefacts’) which should include the items further described hereafter.
  • 2) Define and elaborate on the ATM information management concepts, functions and processes required including business model to provide accredited, quality-­ assured and timely information required by actors within the air navigation system and used to support operations (including Full FF-­ICE, digital MET information exchange and NOTAM system review) on a system-­wide basis, including avionics.
  • 3) Identify the Quality of Service requirements necessary to maintain ATM information security, integrity, confidentiality and availability and to mitigate the risks of intentional disruption and/or changes to safety critical ATM information.
  • 4) Develop an ATM information service architecture.
  • 5) Identify the requirements for SARPS and changes to existing SARPS that will provide an interoperable environment that will support the information requirements of all ANS stakeholders in accordance with the blocks and operational improvements outlined in the Global Air Navigation Plan and:
    • a) Develop those SARPs necessary to enable SWIM in accordance with the Roadmap outlined in the Global Air Navigation Plan; and
    • b) Provide suitable objectives and requirements to serve as the basis for SARP development by other groups where appropriate.
    • c) Update and maintain the Information Management Roadmap.
  • 6) Develop transition strategies and guidance necessary for the implementation of global SWIM and new information exchange formats, including future avionic requirements.
  • 7) Plan for anticipated data and information flows in relation with future ATM requirements and capabilities and assess the capacity of appropriate facilities to support them.            


Meteorology Panel

The METP shall conduct its work in keeping with the following objectives:


  • a) to define and elaborate concepts for aeronautical MET service provision consistent with the identified operational requirements, including the functions and processes necessary to provide quality assured, cost-effective aeronautical MET services and information supporting the future globally interoperable air traffic management system through system-wide information management (SWIM);
  • b) to identify the scientific and/or technological capabilities necessary to fulfil the identified operational requirements;
  • c) to develop and/or maintain ICAO provisions necessary for meteorological service for international air navigation;
  • d) to develop and/or maintain aeronautical MET integration roadmaps (or similar) that provide transition strategies for aeronautical MET services and information consistent with the GANP; and e) to develop proposals fostering interoperability through appropriate collaborative arrangements for global, multi-regional, regional, sub-regional and national/local MET systems and services.


Navigation Systems Panel
  • 1) Develop and update strategies and plans for global navigation harmonization outlined in the Global Air Navigation Plan;
  • 2) Monitor the development and implementation of aeronautical navigation systems and facilities in order to facilitate worldwide coordination of implementation;
  • 3) Develop, as required, Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) and guidance material relating to:
    • a) evolution of GNSS core constellation, including the introduction of new constellations (Galileo, Beidou) and the modernization of existing ones (GPS, GLONASS);
    • b) evolution of GNSS augmentation systems (SBAS, GBAS, ABAS, including advanced receiver autonomous integrity monitoring);
    • c) GNSS vulnerability issues, in particular with regard to RF interference issues and space weather effects, including consideration of alternative position, navigation and timing infrastructure;
    • d) rationalization of the conventional navigation infrastructure;
    • e) testing of radio navigation aids;
    • f) maintenance of/resolution of issues with existing ICAO provisions for navigation systems.


Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Panel
  • 1) Serve as the focal point and coordinator of all ICAO RPAS related work, with the aim of ensuring global interoperability and harmonization;
  • 2) Develop an RPAS regulatory concept and associated guidance material to support and guide the regulatory process;
  • 3) Review ICAO SARPs, propose amendments and coordinate the development of RPAS SARPs with other ICAO expert groups;
  • 4) Assess impacts of proposed provisions on existing manned aviation; and
  • 5) Coordinate, as needed, to support development of a common position on bandwidth and frequency spectrum requirements for command and control of RPAS for the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) World Radio Conference (WRC) negotiations.


Separation and Airspace Safety Panel

In fulfilling its mandate and reflecting the Global Air Navigation Plan, the panel will develop Standards and Recommended Practices, Procedures for Air Navigation Services and/or related guidance material supporting separation minima, taking into account:


  • a) future demands on airspace and airport capacity
  • b) communication, navigation and surveillance systems available, and
  • c) agreed levels of safety.


Safety Management Panel

Develop and/or maintain the ICAO safety management provisions to:


  • a) assist States in systematically managing aviation safety risks; and
  • b) support the continued evolution of a proactive strategy to improve safety performance.


Surveillance Panel
  • 1) Develop and maintain SARPS and guidance materials covering the procedural and technical aspects of:
    • a) airborne and ground based aeronautical surveillance systems
    • b) airborne collision avoidance systems (ACAS)
    • c) related facilities and systems
    • d) airborne surveillance capabilities (e.g. AIRB, VSA and SURF)
    • e) advanced airborne surveillance applications ( e.g. interval management and airborne separation)[UM1]
    • f) ground based safety nets
  • 2) Develop provisions for detect and avoid capability for Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) in coordination with the RPASP
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