AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG)

Fourth Meeting of the APIRG Communications, Navigation and
Surveillance Sub-Group (CNS/SG/4)
(Dakar, Senegal, 25 - 29 July 2011) 





​Invitation Letter

(Nairobi) ES AN1/6.2 - 0428

​Invitation Letter
(Dakar) T 17/6.11 (C) - 0445
​Summary of Draft Conclusions and Decisions
​Final Report


Information Papers/Notes d'information



Working Papers / Notes de travail

​WP # 

No. de WP

​Agenda Item
Point de l'ordre du jour


Langue​ ​

​WP/1 ​- ​Draft Agenda
​​WP/2 ​2


Review of the terms of reference, work programme and composition of the CNS/SG
Examen des termes de référence, programme de travail et composition de CNS/SG

​WP/3 ​3 ​Review on action taken on APIRG/17 and CNS/SG/3
Conclusions and decisions
Examen des actions entreprises suite aux conclusions et décisions d’APIRG/17 et de CNS/SG/3
​WP/4 and 5 ​4 ​Review of the performance and implementation of the AFTN circuits of the AFI AFTN plan, identification of deficiencies and remedial action/Review of the performance and implementation of ATS/DS plan, identification of deficiencies and remedial action
​WP/4 and 5 Appendix A ​- ​List of Deficiencies in the Air Navigation Field - AFTN
​WP/4 and 5 Appendix B ​-

​List of Deficiencies in the Air Navigation Field - ATS Direct Speech




​Review of the Report of the First Joint Meeting of the AFI Aeronautical VSAT Networks Managers

WP/7 ​4

​Review of the report of the first meeting of the AFI AMHS Implementation Task Force
Examen du rapport de la première réunion de l’Équipe de travail sur la mise en œuvre du système AMHS dans la région AFI

​WP/8 ​4


Question de planification de Projet d’Architecture du Plan de Routage de l’ATN



​4 ​ATN planning issues - Draft AFI ATN Routing Architecture Plan
​WP/9 ​4

​Planning and implementation guidelines

​WP/10 4


VSAT networks – Performance monitoring

​WP/11 ​5

​Review of the implementation status and performance of the aeronautical mobile service, and identification of deficiencies and remedial action

​WP/13 ​ 4

​Aeronautical Mobile Service: Planning and implementation guidelines

​WP/14 ​6

​Review of the implementation status and performance of the aeronautical radio navigation service, and identification of deficiencies and remedial action
Examen de l’état de la mise en œuvre et des performances du service de radionavigation aéronautique et identification des carences et des mesures correctives


​List of deficiencies in the air navigation fields

​WP/15 6


AFI SBAS Cost Benefit Analysis – Terms of reference

​WP/16 ​6

​GNSS Implementation Hurdles

​WP/17 6

​Planning and implementation guidelines

​WP/18 ​6

​Review of the status of implementation of the current aeronautical surveillance plan

​WP/19 ​7

​Review of the report on the Second Meeting of the AFI Aeronautical Surveillance Implementation Task Force AFI/ASI TF/2
Examen du rapport de la Deuxième réunion de l’Équipe de Travail sur la Mise en Oeuvre de la Surveillance Aéronautique en Région AFI (AFI/ASI TF/2)


Appendix C


 AFI Surveillance Strategy

​WP/20 ​-


Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) Planning and Implementation Issues

​WP/21 ​7

​Planning and implementation guidelines

WP/22A ​8

​Review of the report of the Second meeting of the AFI Frequency Management Group
Examen du rapport de la deuxième réunion du Groupe de Gestion des Fréquences en région AFI

WP/22B ​8 ​Review of the report of the Second meeting of the AFI Frequency Management Group
Examen du rapport de la Deuxième réunion du Groupe de Gestion des Fréquences en Région AFI: Mandat du Rapporteur de l’AFI/FMG
WP/23A 8 Review of ICAO position, including updates and preparations for the ITU-WRC -2012 meeting



​​- ​ICAO Position for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Radiocommunication Conference 2012 (WRC12)
WP/23B 8 Review of ICAO position: Outcomes of CPM-2 and ACP-24th Meetings

​WP/23B Appendix

CP Report



2nd Session of the Conference Preparatory Meeting for WRC-12

​WP/24 ​2

​A CNS technology roadmap - A tool to aid investment decisions and ensure system compatibility

​WP/25 ​4, 5 & 7

​Review of conclusions and decisions of SAT/16 pertaining to Aeronautical Telecommunications

​WP/26 -

Outcome of the IATA Global Survey on Aircraft Equipage

​WP/28 ​6

​Review of the Conclusions and Decisions of the Second Meeting of the AFI Performance Based Navigation/Global Navigation Satellite System AFI Task Force (PBN/GNSS TF/2) pertaining to GNSS implementation

​WP/29A 7

​Global Operational Data Link Document (GOLD)


​Global Operational Data Link Document (GOLD)

​WP/29B ​-

​Global Operational Data Link Document (GOLD). Implementation and amendments

​WP/30 8 Frequency Management Group Activities
Activité du groupe sur la Gestion des Fréquences de la Région AFI
​WP/31 5

État de mise en œuvre du Service Mobile Aéronautique (SMA)

​WP/32 ​4

​Rationalized AFTN circuits implementation and Performances

​WP/33 4

​ATS/DS circuits implementation and Performances

​WP/34 7

​Review of the status of implementation of the current aeronautical Surveillance Plan

WP/35 4

​Review of the report of the first meeting of the AFI AMHS Implementation Task Force

​ WP/35



​Stratagy for Implementation of the ATS Message Handling System (AMHS) in the AFI Region

Information Papers / Notes d'information 
IP # 
No. de WP
​Agenda Item
Point de l'ordre du jour
Langue​ ​
​IP/1 ​-

​Bulletin d'information générale

​IP/2 -​


Draft List of Working/Information papers
Liste de notes de travail/d'information

​IP/3 ​- ​Tentative Work Programme
Tentative programme de travail prévisionnel
​IP/5 ​4 ​Performance of AFS circuits in NAFISAT and SADC VSAT II coverage areas


​4 ​Performance of AFTN circuits in WACAF area)
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