| Title | Language |
| Adoption of the Agenda and the Work Programme | 
| Status of the implementation of Conclusions and Decisions applicable to the AAO/SG
| Appendix A:- APIRG conclusions and decisions applicable to AAO-SG
| Status of implementation of the Draft AAOSG5 Conclusions and Decisions
| Status of implementation of ASBU elements
| Appendix A – ASBU data collection tool template
| |
| Appendix B – ASBU AOP implementation status
| |
WP/3.1 A
| Training and Qualification of AGA Technical Staff Regulators and Airport Operators
| |
WP/3.2 A
| Implementation of The AFI Free Route Airspace (AFI FRA)
| Appendix A FRA - Risk Assessment tool 2023
| |
WP/3.2 B
| Status report on the development of the AFI ATM Master Plan)
| Appendix A - Revised AFI ATM Master Plan Project Management Team
| |
WP/3.2 C
| Report of The AFI PBN Route Laboratory
| Appendix A – PBN Route labaratory
| |
WP/3.2 D
| AFI Regional ATM Contigency Plan Review and Implementation Project Report
WP/3.2 E
| Report on The Status of The Civil-Military Cooperation in The AFI Region
| |
| Wildlife Hazard Management
WP/3.3 A
| Activities and Achievements of ACDM Project team
| |
WP/3.3 D
| Aviation Infrastructure Gap Analysis - AFCAC
| |
WP/3.4 B
| Mogadishu FIR -Transition to Class A
| |
| Update of Regional Air Navigation Plan (AFI e ANP)
| |
| Update on Air Navigation Deficiencies
| |
| Appendix A- List of Minimum Reporting Area
| |
| Appendix B- List of AANDD Focal Points
| |
| ARMA Report on RVSM
| |
| Update on the activities to be coordinated with RASG-AFI on safety issues
| |
| Appendix A- Status of Aerdrome Certification, GRF,RST
| |
| Implementation challenges of the AAO Subgroup
| AAO SG Terms of reference
| |