Aviation Security and COVID-19

ICAO Member States are continuing to adapt their aviation security measures in response to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. The way each State adapts its aviation security operations may be unique from one to the other given specific national requirements and aviation security risk. However, it is important that States are able to continue to ensure a safe environment in respect of the different aviation security processes without compromising security, and while ensuring baseline measures set by Annex 17 – Security are met.

The ICAO Guidelines for Aviation Security Contingency Measures during the COVID-19 Pandemic ("AVSEC Guidelines") incorporates inputs and best practices shared by industry and State experts (Electronic Bulletin 2020/32, dated 27 October 2020, refers). The document aims to:

  1. Assist States to ensure full implementation of Annex 17 provisions during the current crisis and beyond;
  2. Harmonize contingency measures, including sanitary protocols; and
  3. Help protect screeners, passengers and staff while preserving aviation security objectives as well as proposing possible and alternative aviation security measures.

Note: Please contact the appropriate authority for aviation security in your State for access to the AVSEC Guidelines that was issued through Electronic Bulletin 2020/32, dated 27 October 2020.

The AVSEC Guidelines are a subset of the Civil Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) Take Off document ("Guidance for Air Travel through the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis").

AVSEC_COVID_Guidelines and CART.png


A webinar on how to efficiently resume operations during the COVID-19 crisis while maintaining a strong aviation security system is available upon request  to all aviation security stakeholders. It covers the measures, and rationale thereof, found in the ICAO Guidelines for Aviation Security Contingency Measures During The COVID-19 Pandemic.

Please contact your Regional Office for access to the webinar recording. Additional information can be found here.

 The Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines and Air Cargo Security

​For information pertaining to the secure distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, please click here.

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