ICAO Launches New Runway Safety iKit

​MONTRÉAL, 5 March 2014 – In line with its ongoing cooperative efforts to resolve what remains the number one priority for global aviation safety experts, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has released a new Runway Safety Implementation Kit (iKit), developed in collaboration with IATA, ACI, CANSO, ICCAIA, FSF, IFALPA, IFATCA, IBAC, IAOPA, FAA, EASA and EUROCONTROL.


The new iKit consolidates many of the resources developed by ICAO and its Runway Safety Programme partners in recent years, as well as including latest guidance updates. Since its Global Runway Safety Symposium in May 2011, ICAO and these supporting agencies have delivered a range of helpful tools to assist States and operators, including updated runway safety international standards, centralized online resources, publication of the ICAO Runway Safety Team Handbook and twelve Regional Runway Safety Seminars.


“The ICAO Runway Safety Programme is one of global aviation’s best examples of how collaborative efforts on behalf of the world’s States and leading aviation organizations can deliver practical, cost-effective results on the very complex, multidisciplinary challenges facing our sector,” remarked ICAO Council President, Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu. “ICAO and its partners in this area remain fully committed to delivering continuous improvement on global aviation safety results and to lowering runway-associated fatalities.”


In the near-term, ICAO and its partners will also be launching a Runway Safety GO-Team programme which will help establish focused Runway Safety Teams at world airports, as well as conducting further Regional Runway Safety Seminars in Africa and the Middle East. All of this work will be coordinated under ICAO’s Regional Aviation Safety Groups which are responsible for implementation efforts and associated achievements relating to the targets in the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan.


Resources for editors:


​For information on ICAO’s Runway Safety Programme: www.icao.int/safety/RunwaySafety
​ICAO’s Global Aviation Safety Plan: www.icao.int/publications/Pages/Publication.aspx?docnum=10004
More ICAO Safety and Air Navigation Implementation Kits: ​ http://www.icao.int/safety/Implementation/Pages/iKITs.aspx
​Contact ICAO Runway Safety Experts via: runwaysafety@icao.int


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