Official Opening and Welcome
1. Mauricio Siciliano, MRTD Officer, ICAO
Session 1: ICAO MRTD Standards and Specifications
Moderator: Gary McDonald, former Director General, Legislation and International Relations, Passport Canada, former NTWG Chair
- Mauricio Siciliano
ICAO Global Leadership in Setting MRTD Standards and Regulatory Framework
- Erik Slavenas, Programme Officer, ICAO
Introduction to Annex 9: ICAO SARPs on Traveller Identification and Border Controls
- Tom Kinneging, Senior expert standardization, Morpho, Netherlands and Convenor ISO/IEC JTC1 SC17 WG3
ICAO MRTD and eMRTD Standards and Specifications
- Tom Kinneging
New Document 9303 Developments and Latest Technical Reports
- Erik Slavenas, ICAO
24 November 2015 Deadline in Annex 9: Addressing the Challenge
Sponsor Presentations:
Session 2: Robust National Identification Management System
Moderator: Steve Grant, Consultant, Border Management Technical Expert, Canada
- Mauricio Siciliano, ICAO
Evidence of Identification
- Leona Romeo Marlin, Department Head, Civil Registry of Sint Maarten
The Need to Modernize Breeder Documents in the Caribbean: the Case of Sint Maarten
- Jasper Mutsaers, Research & Development Advisor Travel Documents, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the Netherlands
Changing Dynamics of Identification Management: Implications to ePassport Implementation and Verification
- Jean-Francois La Manna, Expert Project Manager, ANTS, Ministry of Interior, France
Holistic Identification Management and Breeder Documents as the Foundation of eMRTDs: the Experience of France
- Diedre English Gosse, Chief Executive Officer and Deputy Keeper of the Records, Registrar General's Department, Jamaica
Identification Management in Jamaica: Challenges, Solutions and Lessons Learnt
- Steve Grant
Ensuring Physical Security and Secure Environment in Identification Management: Points to Watch
- Ronald Belser, ICBWG Expert, the Netherlands
The FIDELITY Initiative: Towards Uniformity in Breeder Documents Design
- Stephanie Benn, Registrar General, Civil Registry and Passport Office, British Virgin Islands
Identification Management Practice: Experience of the British Virgin Islands
- Steve Griner, Coordinator, Universal Civil Identity Program in the Americas, OAS
Building Identification Management Capacity in the Americas: OAS Lessons Learned
- Gary McDonald
ICAO Assessment Guide: Purpose, Structure and Methodology
Sponsor Presentations:
Session 3: Inter-Agency and Cross-Border Cooperation in Identification Management: Challenges, Responses and Good Practices
Moderator: Steve Griner, Coordinator, Universal Civil Identity Program in the Americas, OAS
- Erling Hoeve and Rignald Gressmann, Immigration and Border Protection Service, Government of Sint Maarten
Identification Fraud from the Border Management Perspective: Experiences and Lessons Learnt by Immigration and Policy Officers
- Jennifer McDonald, CEO Passport Immigration and Citizenship Agency, Jamaica
Enhancing Border Security and Traveller Facilitation Using Advanced Passenger Information: the Case of Jamaica
- Gary McDonald
Effective Identification Management: Reflections on the Integrity of Passport Issuance
- Colin Jones, Manager, Eastern Caribbean and Bahamas, IATA
Security and Facilitation Benefits of Passenger Data Sharing: Reliance on the Overall Identification Management Framework
- Orietta Zumbado, Coordinator of the Central American Border Program, SEFRO, SICA
Border control Capacity Building: the Role and Relevance of Interagency Cooperation
Sponsor Presentations:
- Ricardo Delegado, AVSEC Officer, Regional Office, Mexico