
On-Site Registration - Monday, 11 February

13:00 - 17:00ON-SITE REGISTRATION, Benin Royal Hotel, Quartier Maro Militaire - Vons face Toxi Labo, Cotonou

Day 1 – Tuesday, 12 February

08:00 - 09:30ON-SITE REGISTRATION, Benin Royal Hotel, Quartier Maro Militaire - Vons face Toxi Labo, Cotonou
09:30 - 10:30

Opening Session

Welcome Speech

  • Director General,  National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), Republic of Benin -  Karl Legba

Opening Remarks

  • Director, Air Transport Bureau, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) - Boubacar Djibo
  • Minister of Transport, Republic of Benin - Alassane Séidou
11:00 – 12:30   Session 1. ICAO's Global Leadership on Traveller Identification Management


Overview of the global regulatory framework, policy guidance, and status of implementation following the mandate endorsed by the 39th Session of the ICAO Assembly. Achieving the maximum security and facilitation benefits of travel documents, through a holistic and integrated approach to traveller identification management as articulated by the five elements of the ICAO TRIP Strategy, including the benefits of participation in the ICAO Public Key Directory (PKD) and the status of the 24 November 2015 deadline for the expiration of non-machine readable passports.


Moderator: Boubacar Djibo, Director Air Transport Bureau, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)


12:30 – 12:45

IDEMIA Presentation

14:00 – 15:15 Session 2. National Air Transport Facilitation Programmes Implementation


The National Air Transport Facilitation Programme (NATFP) aim to address and harmonize the interests of all entities involved in facilitation, e.g. public authorities, aircraft operators, commercial air transport users and airports, etc., to promote the growth of a safe, reliable and viable air transport industry. States will share their experience in developing NATFP as well as the potential benefits it hopes to achieve.


ModeratorMam Sait Jallow, Regional Director, ICAO Western & Central Africa Office

15:15 – 15:30

SURYS Presentation

PHASE 0: Robust identity and secured travel documents

The need for consistent effort concerning all aspects of the travel continuum in order to assure confidence in a person's identity and travel documents prior to issuing individuals a travel document.
16:00 – 17:00 Session 3. Supporting Improved National Identity Management Practices


Credible evidence of identity, involving the tracing, linkage and verification of identity against breeder documents, is essential to ensuring robust traveller identification for security and border control purposes. Experts in this basic element of the traveller identification will share their works and experiences in ensuring a robust identity management process.

Moderator: Dr. Joseph J. Atick, Executive Chairman, ID4Africa


17:00 – 17:15

MORPHO DYS Presentation –  Sponsor coffee breaks

17:15 – 19:30WELCOME RECEPTION sponsored by ANAC Benin – Cultural Dinner and Performance

Day 2 – Wednesday, 13 February







09:00 – 10:15
Session 4. ICAO MRTD Standards and Specifications

Current and emerging  ICAO MRTD Standards, Recommended Practices and specifications for passports, visas and identity cards, traveller identification management and security measures. Sharing of best practices designed to minimize document fraud and benefits provided by ICAO-compliant MRTDs and eMRTDs for border integrity.


Moderator: Damien Thuriaux, Senior Specialist, Immigration and Border Management Division, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva HQ


  • ePassport Application, Rules and Process - Colonel Bekouan, Director des transmissions et des systèmes d'information (DTSI), Cote D'Ivoire
  • ePassport Issuance, Rules, Process and Challenges - Nigeria's Experience - Nuhu Abba Ibrahim, Deputy Controller, General Passport & Other Travel Documents, Immigration Service, Nigeria
  • ePassport Validation: A Practical Experience - R Rajeshkumar, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Expert
10:15 – 10:30

 IN GROUPE Presentation


Towards a seamless and secured access by improving document issuance and control and expediting risk assessment.


11:00 – 12:30
Session 5. Document Issuance and Control

Processes and protocols for document issuance by appropriate authorities to authorized holders, and controls to prevent fraud (theft, tampering and loss).


Moderator: Sanjay Dharwadker, ISO Expert, ICBWG Member


12:30 – 12:45

REGULA Presentation


14:00 – 15:15

Session 6. Advanced Passenger Information & Data Sharing Platform

Border management must deal with the increased flow of passengers and ensure security by identifying each individual as soon as possible in the process. Experts from different regions of the world share their experience and good practices.


Moderator:  James Z. Mabala, Regional Officer AVSEC/FAL, ICAO ESAF Office



ANY Security Printing Presentation


Ability to expedite process, receive advance traveller information, gain better control over identity information & quality improvement.






16:00 – 17:15


Session 7. Border Control: Inspection Systems and Tools


A key element in strengthening aviation security is to ensure that border inspection systems provide timely, secure and reliable links between travel documents, travellers and security information held in government databases. Expert will provide examples regarding these important element which aims to expedite the movement of legitimate travellers while identifying high-risk individuals.


Moderator:  Nelson Goncalves, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Tanzania

  • Rwanda's Experience with Enhancing Facilitation and Security at the Busiest Land Border - Eric Byukusenge, Division Manager, Information Systems & eServices, Rwanda Immigration, Rwanda
  • The Cote D' Ivoire PKD Experience - Milan Daniel Hermann,  Director Aviation Security and Facilitation, Civil Aviation Authority,  Cote D'Ivoire
  • Validation of ePassports at the Airport - Samuel Coffi Atchou, Commissioner, Air and Border Police of Cardinal Bernadin GANTIN International Airport, Cotonou Cadjèhoun, Benin

Day 3 – Thursday, 14 February

09:00 – 10:15



Issuance and Sharing of Certificates

PKI Implementation for the Issuance of ePassports and PKD as a Tool for Sharing PKI Certificates and Validation of Passports at the Border.


ModeratorBarry Kefauver, Expert, International Standards Organisation (ISO)



Discussion: Challenges faced by States in implementing infrastructure & sharing certificates

10:15- 10:30

 X-INFOTECH Presentation



11:00 – 12:15



Using PKD for Validation at the Border


ModeratorBarry Kefauver, Expert, International Standards Organisation (ISO)

  • Canada's Experience: Connection Between ePassports and the Border - Beth Newcombe, Senior Policy Advisor, Admissibility, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Government of Canada
  • Morocco's Experience - Rachid Abdellaoui, Chef de la Division des Passeports, Direction des Affaires Générales, Ministère de l'Intérieur, Royaume du Maroc and Mehdi Saadi, Training & Assistance, Passport control border System, Ministère de l'Intérieur, Royaume du Maroc


Discussion: Challenges faced by States in the validation process

12:15- 12:30

AIR TAXI BENIN Presentation – Sponsor coffee breaks


Linking the traveller and travel document data with the border control process.
14:00 - 15:15


Session 9. Commitments of States and International Organizations


Moderator:  Eric Henri Segura, Regional Officer AVSEC/FAL, ICAO WACAF Office

15:15 - 16:30


Session 10. Assistance and Guidance to States


ModeratorChristiane DerMarkar, PKD Officer, International Civil Aviation Organization

16:30- 16:45 CLOSING REMARKS by ICAO Regional Director WACAF Office 
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