NGAP Speed Networking


NGAP Speed Networking is designed to accelerate initial contacts and quickly develop professional relationships. This activity provides a venue for the next generation of aviation professionals to meet and learn from experienced mentors from various fields of expertise.



Who is this for

This activity is primarily for students and young professionals



How will it work

The activity is scheduled for the 3rd of December, 15:45 at the Foyer of the Assembly Hall of ICAO. The time allotted for this activity is 60 minutes - please consult the programme for more details regarding the schedule.


A small group of students and young professionals will meet different mentors for 5 minutes, and then rotate. The maximum number of participants is 24 per session. At the beginning, all the participants will be briefed about the rules of the activity and also will receive useful tips. Questions, of course, are encouraged and will be answered during the session. Before the exercise, each participant will obtain a short summary about the mentors and their background in order to get prepared for the networking activity.



How to prepare

This activity provides a unique experience that differs from standard business meetings. This activity is meant to facilitate the sharing, learning and meeting with mentors and key individuals in a quick, informal and relaxed way.

In speed networking, time is scarce. It is therefore encouraged to come prepared with any questions you may have regarding the aviation field and its many disciplines, as well as be straightforward.  



Most importantly

This is a fun way to get to know one another - relax, enjoy and learn!

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