General Information



In order to avoid unnecessary delays on the opening day of the Conference and to facilitate the registration procedure, a registration centre will be in operation on Sunday, 17 February 2002, from 0900 to 1700 hours, and daily from 18 to 20 February 2002 from 0830 to 1700 hours at the ICAO Conference Centre, located in the Headquarters premises. At registration, participants will be issued an identification badge which will be required to access the Conference Centre and obtain the documentation.




Credentials are required. Such credentials should be signed on behalf of the State or organization concerned, by a person duly authorized thereto, giving the name and position of each member of the delegation and indicating the capacity in which he or she is to serve at the Conference. The credentials may be sent in advance to the Secretary General or may be deposited when registering.


Visa requirements


In compliance with paragraph 3.7 of Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Canada has already dispensed with the requirements of entrance visas for temporary visitors of a considerable number of States. However, those participants for whom visas continue to be required for entry into Canada are invited to take steps to obtain these visas in good time from the nearest Canadian authorities.


Working papers


Working papers prepared by States or Observers should be brief and focussed; they will not be introduced at the Conference but will be distributed, in all working languages for papers from States and in the language(s) of submission for papers from Observers, if they are received at Headquarters by 7 February 2002. As a consequence of a heavy meetings programme and continuing resource constraints, ICAO can no longer translate working papers longer than six pages (including attachments), working papers presented by Observers (including international organizations), or any information papers. Such papers will therefore be produced in the original language only (unless a translation already exists or is provided by the State or organization concerned). Submission is encouraged on computer diskette or other electronic means, with identification of the word processing system used.


ICAO Secretariat and Delegations may access working papers electronically through the ICAO staff web and ICAO-Net respectively.


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