WP No. |
Title and Date |
Language |
A36-WP/15 EC/1 |
Economic development and regulation of airports and air navigation services (26/06/07) |
A36-WP/16 EC/2 |
Development and economic regulation of international air transport (26/06/07) |
A36-WP/18 EC/3 |
Progress made in implementing resolution A35-18, Appendix D, Section III: International cooperation in protecting the security and integrity of passports (28/06/07) |
A36-WP/19 EC/4 |
Implementation of resolution A35-19: Preventing the introduction of invasive alien species (28/06/07) |
A36-WP/20 EC/5 |
Developments in the statistics and forecasting programmes (29/06/07) |
A36-WP/21 EC/6 |
Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies in the air transport field (28/06/07) |
A36-WP/65 EC/7 |
Transitional provisions on codesharing (Information paper) (23/08/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/79 EC/8 |
Economic regulation and liberalization (Information paper) (31/07/07) - English only |
A36-WP/99 EC/9 |
Transparency in international air transport services - The publication and distribution of air services arrangements (31/08/07) |
A36-WP/100 EC/10 |
ANSP governance and performance (20/08/07) |
A36-WP/101 EC/11 |
ANS performance measurement and benchmarking (20/08/07) |
A36-WP/102 EC/12 |
Tourism and air transport liberalization (24/08/07) - English only |
A36-WP/103 EC/13 |
Airports: vital catalysts for economic growth (Information paper) (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/104 EC/14 |
A framework for civil aviation in Africa (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/105 EC/15 |
Air cargo and market access (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/106 EC/16 |
The benefits of consultation in the industrial arena (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/107 EC/17 |
Air Carrier ownership and control (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/109 EC/18 |
Aviation growth, development and economics (Information paper) (29/08/07) - English only |
A36-WP/119 EC/19 |
Economic development and regulation of airports (31/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/120 EC/20 |
Economic performance of ATM (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/141 EC/21 |
Development of airport infrastructure in India (Information paper) (06/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/142 EC/22 |
Policy initiatives for enhancing international air connectivity (Information paper) (06/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/143 EC/23 |
Policy on charges for air navigation services in the airspace of the Russian Federation (Information paper) (07/09/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/145 EC/24 |
LACAC proposal to publish a manual of facilitation procedures and guiding elements for the coordination of FAL/AVSEC procedures (06/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/145 Revision No. 1 EC/24 |
Revision No. 1 (14/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/159 EC/25 |
The case for liberalizing access to the air cargo market (Information paper) (10/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/168 EC/26 |
Machine readable passports in China (Information paper) (12/09/07) - Chinese and English only |
A36-WP/177 EC/27 |
Progress and challenges of China's international air transport (13/09/07) - (Information paper) Chinese and English only |
A36-WP/194 EC/29 |
Effective flexibilization in the air market access (17/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/213 EC/30 |
Iniciativa para la formaciõn y entrenamiento en documentod de viaje de lectura mecánica (20/09/07) - Spanish only |
A36-WP/227 EC/31 |
Fair competition and safeguards (17/09/07) - English and Arabic only |
A36-WP/228 EC/32 |
Regional blocs and their impact on reaching a multi-lateral agreement (17/09/07) - Arabic and English only |
A36-WP/267 EC/33 |
Taxation of aircraft fuel (19/09/07) - Arabic and English only |
A36-WP/275 EC/34 |
The safety deficiencies arising out of the United States sanctions against the civil aviation of the Islamic Republic of Iran (20/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/280 EC/35 |
Impact in the sphere of civil aviation of the U.S. economic trade and financial embargo on Cuba (21/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/281 EC/36 |
Observations on the present proposal for extending the Appendix on Air Transport Services in the WTO's GATS (21/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/282 EC/37 |
Evolution of the liberalization of the services of air transport in the State members of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission - LACAC (Information paper) (21/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/283 EC/38 |
Restrictions on the purchase or lease of aircraft and spare parts by certain states in violation of the Chicago Convention (21/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/318 EC/39 |
Draft text for the General Section and Agenda Items 7, 8 and 39 (24/09/07) |
A36-WP/319 EC/40 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 40 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/342 EC/41 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 41 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/343 EC/42 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 42 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/346 EC/43 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Items 43 and 44 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/350 EC/44 |
Air transport policy in Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (Information paper) (26/09/07) - English only |