Meeting Special Coordination Meeting on the Implementation of ATM Contingency Arrangements

SCM-ATM Contingency Arrangements

(Cairo, Egypt, 24-25 September 2014)

​Invitation Letter
WP# ​Agenda Item WP Title   ​
​1 1 Adoption of the Provisional Agenda
​2 ​1 Overview of the current situation in the MID Region​
3 ​1 Outcome of First Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Afghanistan Contingency Group (AHACG/1)​
​4 ​2 Iran Concerns and Challenges​
​5 ​2 Impact of Other Regions Contingency Planning on the MID Region​
​6 ​3 Proposed Contingency Process​
7​ 2​ Iraq Contingencies for Airspace Affected by Armed Conflict​
​IP# ​​Agenda Item ​IP Title
​List of Working and Information Papers
​2 ​Daily Order of Business and Work Programme​
​3 2 ​Handling of Safe and Efficient Flow of Air Traffic within Tehran FIR
​1 ​2 ​UAE Concerns and Challenges
​2 ​2 ​Bahrain Concerns and Challenges
​3 ​2 ​Iraq ATM Contingency Operations
4​ ​2 ​Iran Concerns and Challenges
​5 2​ ​Iran Implemented Contingency Arrangements
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