Special EUR/NAT DGCA virtual information session on ICAO Global Implementation Roadmap and Regional Plan supporting the implementation of the CART recommendations and guidance, Paris, France - 24 July 2020

The ICAO EUR/NAT Office held the EUR/NAT Directors General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) special virtual session on 24 July 2020, with the objective to inform Member States on the ICAO Global Implementation Roadmap and Regional Plan supporting the implementation of the recommendations and guidance issued by the Council Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) for the post COVID-19 restart, recovery and resilience of civil aviation.


The ICAO Council approved the CART Report and the associated document entitled "Take-off: Guidance for Air Travel through the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis". The CART Report contains 10 key principles and 11 recommendations for a harmonized international approach to aviation restart and recovery efforts.


The ICAO Secretariat presented the Global Implementation Roadmap as well as the associated Regional Implementation Plan which contain specific and regionally tailored measures and initiatives for each of the 11 recommendations to support Member States in their recovery planning.


With the participation of the ICAO Secretary General, Dr. Fang Liu, and the ICAO Regional Director for the EUR/NAT Office, Silvia Gehrer, who opened the virtual meeting, the Director of the ICAO Air Transport Bureau, the ICAO Chief Aviation Medicine, and with the interventions from the Chairman of the EUR/NAT DGCA Meeting and DG CAA Portugal, Turkey, Iceland, Kazakhstan, the United States and EASA, the EUR/NAT States were presented with the global and regional activities designed to support the 56 EUR/NAT States to enable them to be best equipped to restart international air transport and recover from the COVID-19 crisis.


The ICAO presentation on the GIR and the Regional Implementation Plan, as well as some of the interventions, are available at: https://www.icao.int/EURNAT/EUR%20and%20NAT%20Documents/EURNAT-DGCA%20Meetings

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