Safety Management Capacity Building for the European and North Atlantic Regions, Paris, France - 2 to 5 April 2019

​An ICAO Workshop on Safety Management Capacity Building for the European and North Atlantic Regions was held at the ICAO EUR/NAT Office in Paris, France, from 2 to 5 April 2019.

The workshop topics and hands-on exercises are designed to provide State personnel involved in the implementation of State Safety Programmes with some of the skills required to perform their role effectively.


This workshop led by ICAO was attended by 23 participants from Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Israel, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and World Food Programme.



(See full size image)


The workshop provided information and platform for discussion on State Safety Programmes Implementation and Monitoring Tools, Safety management capacity planning, Safety management interfaces, Safety data collection and processing systems  and other fundamentals.


Participation was representative of State Authorities and Agencies involved in the Safety Management Systems  and State Safety programme implementation and oversight.


More information on the ICAO Safety Management initiatives is available at  

Information regarding registration for the ICAO Safety Management  Online Course is available at: .

More information on Safety Training is available at  under training area "Flight Safety and Safety management"


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