ICAO EUR/NAT Aviation Security Training Center Directors meeting (ASTCD/05), Paris, France - 12 to 13 March 2019

​The fifth meeting of the EUR/NAT Aviation Security Training Center (ASTC) Directors (ASTCD/05) was held in Paris, France on 12 and 13 March 2019. While the global ASTC network encompasses 35 ICAO-endorsed training centers, 11 of them are located in the ICAO EUR/NAT regions.


The meeting was attended by 9 ASTCs Directors and their Coordinators.



(See full size image) 


The ASTC regional Directors meeting is a yearly event aiming at coordinating ASTC interests in the entire EUR/NAT regions and develop proposals as well as a joint position in preparation for the global ASTC Directors meeting.


Specific focus is currently given to the role of the ASTC network in supporting States and stakeholders in the implementation of the Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP) regional roadmap.


The Aviation Security Training Centers contribute significantly to the development and reinforcement of human capability in aviation security and to increasing regional cooperation and support amongst States.  Harmonized ICAO AVSEC training packages support the proper implementation of ICAO Annex 17 requirements and "High Quality Training" can be provided because ICAO certified instructors conduct the courses which all together leads to positive results. ICAO organizes regular quality control visits to the ASTCs ensuring the compliance with the ICAO Terms of Reference.


The active work of the ASTC Regional Directors meeting contributes to the global development of the ASTC network.

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