EUR SWIM PT/1 Brussels, Belgium - 27 September 2018

The First Meeting of the European System Wide Information Management (SWIM) Project Team (EUR SIWM PT/1) was held at Eurocontrol Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium on 27 September 2018. The meeting was attended by 53 participants from 24 States, 5 International Organizations and 2 Industries. The SWIM Project Team was established by the European Air Navigation Planning Group (EANPG) combined with the European Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG-EUR) to coordinate and pursue with the planning and implementation of SWIM in the ICAO European Region in line with the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) and other relevant global provisions.


The objective of the meeting was to finalize the draft Terms of Reference and develop a draft work programme for consideration by the upcoming European Air Navigation Planning Group Programme Coordinating Group (EANPG COG) combined with the  European Regional Aviation Safety Group Coordination Group (RCOG).



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