Advanced Inter-Regional ATS Route Development Task Force, and MIDANPIRG Air Traffic Management Sub-Group, Amman, Jordan - 29 April to 03 May 2018

​The Fourth meeting of the MIDANPIRG Air Traffic Management Sub-Group (ATM SG/4) and the Third meeting of the Advanced Inter-Regional ATS Route Development Task Force (AIRARD TF/3) were organized, thanks to the invitation from the Jordan Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission (CARC), in Amman, Jordan from 29 April to 03 May 2018.



(See full size picture)


The meetings were attended by 58 participants from 13 States and seven International and Regional Organizations including EUROCONTROL, IFALPA, IFATCA, IATA, MAAR, MIDRMA and ICAO.


The meeting discussed the inter-regional aspects of the ATS route network and ATM issues at the interfaces of the three ICAO Regions and updated the action plan to enhance the airspace management issues at the regional interface areas.

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