AGA workshop in the EUR/NAT Regions Tirana, Albania - 15 to 17 January 2019

​Under ICAO's global initiative "No Country Left Behind" (NCLB), the ICAO EUR/NAT Regional Office developed a Technical Assistance Programme (EUR/NAT  TAP). The AGA 18001 project is part of the EUR/NAT TAP and  is supporting States in the EUR Region to build the necessary capacity in the Aerodrome Certification through dedicated Workshops at sub regional level, to identify the most common gaps (findings) and to update their oversight capacity.


Partnerships and resource mobilization from the Region are essential and integrated parts of this Programme.  The ICAO EUR/NAT Regional Office wishes to express its gratitude to the AGA 18001 donors: France and ACI World/APEX.



(See full size image) 


Furthermore, the ICAO MID Regional Office provided valuable support in the implementation of this project, by releasing an AGA  expert  to deliver the workshop and lead the development of the workshop material. 

ICAO HQ/ ANB-AN-AOI has coordinated and validated the workshop syllabus as there is a need to standardize the context of similar  aerodrome certification workshops, worldwide.


Three workshops have already been organized under AGA 18001 project:  Paris, France, 18-20 December 2018 - 10 participants from 3 States: Algeria, Andorra, and Tunisia, and 1 Organization: ACAO; Tirana, Albania, 15-17 January 2019 – 8 participants from 3 States: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia; and  Kiev, Ukraine, 5-7 February 2019 – 26 participants from 6 States: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine.

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