Global Reporting Format (GRF) Workshop, Spain - 21 to 22 January 2020

The IATA/ICAO Workshop on the implementation of the new ICAO Global Reporting Format for Runway Surface Conditions was held at the IATA office in Madrid, Spain from 21 to 22 January 2020.

Stakeholders are expected to implement the new Global Reporting Format for runway surface conditions on 5 November 2020. This implementation is expected to reduce the risk of runway excursions since GRF improves the accuracy and timeliness of runway condition assessment and harmonizes this information globally. Furthermore, there is a direct correlation between GRF and aircraft performance. The workshop reviewed an introduction of ICAO provisions on GRF with an emphasis on aircraft performance, EASA Regulations related to GRF, a case study on GRF implementation, GRF implementation with respect to airports, ANSPs and airlines with a focus on how the runway condition code will be communicated to the pilot and dispatcher, training requirements and resources with a focus on IATA training as well as practical examples for pilots and dispatch officers. The main outcome of the workshop is to take action on issues identified in communicating the runway condition code to pilots.

 A total of 55 experts from 6 States, 5 International Organizations (CANSO, EASA, IATA, ICAO and IFALPA), 20 Airlines and 4 Industries participated in the workshop.

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