IE-REST/01: safety experts start work to develop aviation safety initiatives in areas of eur region not covered by EU/EASA regulatory framework: Moscow (Russian Federation), 11 June 2013

Moscow (Russian Federation), 11 June 2013


The first meeting of the ICAO EUR Regional Expert Safety Team (IE-REST/01) was held in Moscow, Russian Federation, from 10 to 11 June 2013. 51 participants, from 17 States and 6 International/Regional Organizations, attended the meeting, which was hosted by the Interstate Aviation Committee. Mr. Vladimir Gorbunov (Airbus) and Mr. Dan Stratan (Republic of Moldova) were unanimously elected as IE-REST Co-Chairmen.

(see full size picture)

In order to launch the work on the development and implementation of safety enhancement initiatives (SEIs) in the part of the ICAO EUR Region which is not covered by the regulatory framework of the European Union (EU)/European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the meeting decided to create four groups:

  • The “IE-REST Pilot Training Group”, to address issues related to pilot training;
  • The “IE-REST Runway Safety Group”, to address issues related to runway safety, including the support to the establishment and operation of Local Runway Safety Teams (LRSTs);
  • The “IE-REST Flight Data Analysis and Air Operator Safety Management System Group”, to address issues related to Flight Data Analysis and air operators’ Safety Management Systems (SMS); and
  • The “IE-REST Taxonomy and Safety Data Analysis Group”, to address issues related to safety data taxonomy and analysis. 

The four groups, for which experts volunteered to act as Rapporteurs, will now start their work, and the IE-REST will meet again in Chisinau (Republic of Moldova) from 25 to 27 September 2013.

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