ICAO EUR/NAT Aviation Training and Skills Workshop

ICAO EUR/NAT Aviation Training and Skills Workshop

ICAO EUR/NAT Office, Paris 

11 to 12 March 2025 

Organized in collaboration with the JAA Training Organisation (JAA TO)

ICAO EUR/NAT Aviation Training and Skills Workshop aims to discuss strategies and actions for overcoming skills shortages and training gaps in the EUR/NAT area.


The first day of the workshop will be aimed at setting the scene and discussing global and regional aviation training and workforce challenges. Day two of the event will focus on the feasibility of developing a regional skills monitoring process, with roundtable group discussions.


To register for this event, send an email to Mr. Bryan DeCouto (bdecouto@icao.int) and Ms. Florence Benjamin (fbenjamin@icao.int) no later than 24 February 2025.


Venue information can be found here - https://www.icao.int/EURNAT/Pages/Practical-Information.aspx


Day 1: Setting the Scene and Defining Challenges
Registration of participants

Welcome and opening of the meeting

Welcome Remarks from JAA TO and ICAO EUR-NAT Representatives

Elkhan Nahmadov, ICAO EUR/NAT Deputy Regional Director

Paula V. de Almeida, JAA TO Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


Global and Regional Aviation Training and Workforce Challenges

Presentations on global and regional training challenges and strategic initiatives

ICAO Global Aviation Training (GAT

Luc Tytgat, Chair of the Advisory Board of the Lazarski Aviation Academy

10:30-11:00Coffee break and Group Picture

Impact of Emerging Technologies on Aviation Training

Presentations on how the emergence of AAM, AI and other technologies is impacting the required competencies and skills of aviation professionals

Moderator: Paula V. de Almeida, JAA TO Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Dan Sloat, Chair of AAM Institute

Benjamin Cramet, NM Lab Manager, EUROCONTROL

Silke Buckley, CAAi, Head of Training, UK CAA

Dr. Carlos Kaduoka, PhD, FRAeS, IAP, the COO of SITA Americas

12:00-13:00Lunch break

Technological Innovations and Solutions in Aviation Training

Presentations on new technologies in aviation training (e.g. VR, AI) and other latest solutions in aviation training

Moderator: Benjamyn Scott, Assistant Professor at the International Institute of Air and Space Law, and eLaw – the Center for Law and Digital Technologies, Leiden University

Eric Schoonderwoerd, Director of Business Solutions & Strategic Partnerships, JAATO

Federico Franchina, Professor of both Maritime and Air Transport at Messina University

Benjamin Cramet, NM Lab Manager, EUROCONTROL

15:00-15:30Coffee break

Strategies for Optimizing the ICAO Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) Efforts

Presentations and discussion on ICAO NGAP

Latifa Hadbi, Programe Manager, ICAO NGAP

Milena Bowman, Eurocontrol

​End of Day 1
Reception at ICAO EUR/NAT Delegates Lounge

Day 2: Monitoring the Regional Skills Shortage
Recap of Day 1

Skills Shortages and Workforce Planning in the Region

State and industry perspectives on workforce training gaps, skills shortages and workforce planning

Beliz CANAN, Global Trainings / IGA Academy

Ana Mata, Chairwoman, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors ANAC - Autoridade Nacional da Aviação Civil Portuga

Dr Koen Milis, Director General Belgium Civil Aviation Authority

Charles Pace, Director General for Civil Aviation Directorate Malta and Chairman of the JAA TO

10:30-11:00Coffee break

Workforce Analysis

A look at the global and regional data on current and future workforce needs in aviation


Blandine Ferrier, ICAO EUR/NAT, Gender Equality Focal Point

12:00-13:00Lunch break

Developing a Regional Skills Monitoring Process

Roundtable discussion to develop a regional framework for skills monitoring, including discussions on challenges, opportunities and roles

Mr. Jonathan Hoepel, JAA TO Quality & Compliance Manager, ICAO Instructor & Course Developer  

15:00-15:30Coffee break
15:30-16:00Agreement on next steps and action plan

Closing Session

Summary of key outcomes and closing remarks


Paula V. de Almeida, JAA TO Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Elkhan Nahmadov, ICAO EUR/NAT Deputy Regional Director  

End of Day 2

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