The European Region Aviation System Planning Group ( EASPG) was established in 2019 by the Council of ICAO at the recommendation of the combined EANPG/60 and RASG-EUR/07 meeting in November 2018 where it was agreed to unite their activities under the new European Aviation Systems Planning Group (EASPG).
The Terms of Reference of the EASPG were approved on 11 September 2019 by the President of the ICAO Council.
The objectives of the EASPG are to:
a) Ensure that air navigation system development plans and actions within the EUR Region remain coherent and compatible with those of the adjacent regions and with the ICAO Global Aviation Safety and Air Navigation Plans;
b) Monitor the progress in the GANP and GASP implementation and report to the ICAO Council;
c) Manage and coordinate the implementation of the ICAO European Regional Aviation Safety Plan (EUR RASP), Air Navigation Plan for the European Region (EUR eANP) (ICAO Doc 7754), EUR Regional Supplementary Procedures (Doc 7030)] and other related documentation;
d) Promote and facilitate the harmonisation and co-ordination of the air navigation and safety related EUR sub-regional (e.g EU, EASA, EUROCONTROL, ECAC, IAC) and national programmes;
e) Ensure the inter-regional coordination and harmonisation of the EUR aviation system with aviation systems of adjacent Regions (NAT, NAM, MID, AFI, APAC);
f) Assist States or State groupings in their planning and implementation efforts, if and when required.
EASPG meetings are open to all Contracting States within the area of accreditation of the European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office of ICAO in the EUR Region.