European and North Atlantic Directors General of Civil Aviation Meeting (EURNAT-DGCA)

The European and North Atlantic Directors General of Civil Aviation Meeting (EURNAT-DGCA) was established following an agreement reached at the Seventieth Anniversary Celebrations of the ICAO European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office (Paris, France, 7 July 2016). 


Broadly, the aims and objectives of these meetings are to exchange information on matters of interest in civil aviation; enhance the co-ordination and harmonization of civil aviation activities within the European and North Atlantic Regions and with the adjacent ICAO Regions; review and guide the work of the European Air Navigation Planning Group (EANPG), the North Atlantic Systems Planning Group (NAT SPG), the European Aviation Safety Group (RASG-EUR) and the EUR/NAT AVSEC Group (ENAVSECG); develop specific Action Items that are of common interest and importance to the Regions; provide overall guidance, harmonization and co-ordination of implementation of standards and procedures in the Regions; and follow-up by the ICAO Secretariat to coordinate issues of importance in a timely and orderly manner.


EURNAT-DGCA Documentation

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