Visit of Mr. Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez, President of the Council of ICAO

Visit of Mr. R​oberto Kobeh Gonzalez, President of the Council of ICAO ​

Mr. Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez, was in Bangkok from 18-22 April 2007.  He paid a courtesy call on HE Admiral Thira Hao-Charoen, Minister of Transport, Thailand, on 19 April to discuss civil aviation matters of mutual interest.  The meeting was attended by the Vice Minister and other Heads of Agencies under the Ministry of Transport.  The President also visited the Regional Office and addressed all staff members.  He highlighted the current preparations for the new business plan and triennium budget of the Organization reiterating the importance of Regional Offices in the process.  The President had working lunch attended by the Director General of Civil Aviation, the Governor of the Civil Aviation Training Centre (CATC), the President of AEROTHAI, Chiefs of Airports of Thailand (AOT) and other high level officials of the Ministry.  The occasion lent itself to be an excellent opportunity to discuss matters on civil aviation pertaining to Thailand.  The President was accompanied by the Regional Director, Mr. Lalit Shah on all meetings.

The President with ICAO Regional Office staff and TC project staff in Bangkok 

The President and the Regional Director addressing the ICAO Regional Office staff 



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