CRV Seminar and the Twelfth Meeting of the Common aeRonautical Virtual Private Network Operations Group (CRV OG/12)

(Denarau Island, Fiji, 22 January 2024 to 26 January 2024) 

collapse Type Name : 2024 CRV Seminar ‎(8)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report of CRV Seminar for Pacific States.pdfFinal Report6 February 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(2)
OOB- CRV Seminar.pdf01Order of Business - CRV Seminar15 January 2024Secretariat 
Group Photo_CRV Seminar.pdf02Group Photo - CRV Seminar25 January 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(1)
IP01_Current Network Infrastructure Tonga.pdfIP/01Current Network Infrastructure – Tonga19 January 2024Tonga 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(4)
SP01-Pacific Island CRV Implementaiton- CRV Co-Chair Asia.pdfSP/01Pacific States CRV Implementation   12 January 2024New Zealand 
SP02- Current Status of Pacific Island ATS connectivity and CRV Joining process illustration rev3.0.pdfSP/02Current Status of Pacific Island ATS Connectivity 22 January 2024Fiji 
SP03_ICAO PSISD- SWIM-Enabled Network Support for ATM Operations_rev 1.0.pdfSP/03System-Wide Information Management (SWIM)-enabled Network Support for Air Traffic Management (ATM) Operations 22 January 2024Secretariat 
SP04_PCCWG- Special Promotion program for Pacific Islands to join CRV - v2.1.pdfSP/04Special Promotion Program for Pacific Islands to Join CRV22 January 2024PCCWG 
collapse Type Name : CRV OG-12 ‎(50)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report of CRV OG12.pdfFinal Report of CRV OG/122 February 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(11)
AP147-23-CNS-Invitation to CRV OG12 Denarau Island, Fiji 22-26Jan24_without APX.pdf01Invitation Letter31 October 2023Secretariat 
AP147-23 - Attachment A- CRV Seminar Provisional Agenda.pdf02CRV Seminar Provisional Agenda31 October 2023Secretariat 
AP147-23 - Attachment B- CRV OG12 Provisional Agenda.pdf03CRV OG/12 Provisional Agenda31 October 2023Secretariat 
Meeting Bulletin Workshop and CRV OG12.pdf04Meeting Bulletin30 November 2023Secretariat 
Hotel Special Rate Page.pdf05Hotel Special Rate for CRV OG/12 Meeting12 December 2023Secretariat 
WP - IP Template.docx06WP-IP Template CRV OG/1226 December 2023Secretariat 
APAC CRV Implementation Table.docx07APAC CRV Implementation Table 09 January 2024Secretariat 
CRV OG12_Participant List (007).pdf08List of Participants 24 January 2024Secretariat 
Order of Business_CRV OG12_rev 1.0.pdf09Order of Business - CRV OG/1224 January 2024Secretariat 
Program for the Openning of the CRV OG-12 Meeting.pdf10Opening Ceremony Program19 January 2024Secretariat 
Group Photo_CRV OG12.pdf11Group Photo - CRV OG/1224 January 2024Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(27)
WP01_ICAO AI.1 - CRV OG12 Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01Provisional Agenda10 January 2024Secretariat 
WP02_ICAO AI.2 - Review of relevent meetings.pdfWP/02Review of Relevant Meetings10 January 2024Secretariat 
WP03_ICAO AI.2- Review relevant outcomes of  APAC DGCA Conf58 Action Item on AN.pdfWP/03Relevant outcomes of DGCA/58 Conference15 January 2024Secretariat 
WP04_ICAO AI.3 - ICAO ATNAMHS Guidance Document Tree.pdfWP/04ICAO ATNAMHS Guidance Document Tree 12 January 2024Secretariat 
WP05_ICAO AI.10 - MPLS_IP Based Inter-regional Connection.pdfWP/05MPLS based Inter-Regional IP Connection12 January 2024Secretariat 
WP06_PCCWG AI.11- Updates on CRV and REDDIG II interconnection.pdfWP/06Regional IP Network Interconnection Discussion25 January 2024PCCWG 
WP07_ICAO AI.12 - Update on Using the Rest of CRV MSA.pdfWP/07Updates on Using the Rest of CRV Pioneer State Contribution to the ICAO Managed Service Agreement (MSA)12 January 2024Secretariat 
WP08_NZ AI.12- CRV Security review_rev 1.0.pdfWP/08Cyber Security Review Update18 January 2024New Zealand 
WP09_JPN AI.13 - Japan Concept of Firewall Installation_Rev 1.0.pdfWP/09Japan Concept of Firewall Installation15 January 2024Japan 
WP10_ICAO AI.6 - Update the APAC CRV Implementation Tables.pdfWP/10Update the APAC CRV Implementation Table10 January 2024Secretariat 
WP11_USA AI 7 - CRV Contract Management Plan.pdfWP/11CRV Contract Management Plan10 January 2024USA 
WP12_SGP AI.7- RFI for NEW-CRV.pdfWP/12Need for Request for Information (RFI) for a Possible New-CRV12 January 2023Singapore 
WP13_USA AI 3 - CRV New Service Implementation Process.pdfWP/13CRV New Service Implementation Process 10 January 2024USA 
WP14_NZ AI.3- Outcomes of Ad-hoc expert Strategy Design Transition and Operations Groups.pdfWP/14Outcomes of CRV Ad-hoc Experts Group Meetings 11 January 2024New Zealand 
WP15_NZ AI.3- Adding a new service to CRV.pdfWP/15Adding a New Service to CRV12 January 2023New Zealand 
WP16_NZ AI.3- CRV OG OPERATIONS MANUAL STATUS.pdfWP/16CRV OG Operations Manual Status11 January 2024New Zealand 
WP17_SGP AI.3-IP address block for 3rd party service provider_rev 2.0.pdfWP/17CRV Implementation Plan – IP Address block allocated to CRV Users23 January 2024Singapore 
WP18_NZ AI.3 - NATIONAL AND LOCAL CRV POINTS OF CONTACTS.pdfWP/18National and Local CRV Points of Contacts11 January 2024New Zealand 
WP19_NZ AI3-New Zealand hosted CRV Portal management.pdfWP/19Number of Subscribers to the New Zealand Hosted CRV Portal17 January 2024New Zealand 
WP20_NZ AI.4- OUTCOMES OF AD-HOC GOVERNANCE MEETINGS.pdfWP/20Updates of CRV Ad-hoc Governance Group11 January 2024New Zealand 
WP21_HK AI.8- Monitoring and Analyzing CRV Network Traffic Hong Kong China v6.pdfWP/21Monitoring and Analyzing CRV Network Traffic in Hong Kong, China25 January 2024Hong Kong, China 
WP22_NZ AI.10- OUTCOMES OF JOINT CRV OG EXPERTS AND SWIM TF TLS MEETINGS.pdfWP/22Outcomes of Joint CRV OG Experts and SWIM TF TLS Meetings12 January 2024New Zealand 
WP23_PCCWG Bandwidth extension of CRV to meet future requirements v3.0.pdfWP/23Bandwidth Extension of CRV to Meet Future Requirements 24 January 2024PCCWG 
WP24_ICAO AI.14 - Review ToR and Action Items.pdfWP/24Review CRV OG ToR and Action Items 11 January 2024Secretariat 
WP25_NZ AI.10 CRV collection of requirements.pdfWP/25The Collecting of Requirements25 January 2024New Zealand 
WP26_NZ AI.14- FUTURE OF FACE TO FACE MEETINGS.pdfWP/26Future of Face-to-Face Meetings11 January 2024New Zealand 
WP27_PCCWG AI.8- Analysis of APAC CRV Bandwidth Utilization.pdfWP/27Analysis of APAC CRV Bandwidth Utilization22 January 2024PCCWG 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(9)
IP01_Meeting Bulletin Workshop and CRV OG12.pdfIP/01Meeting Bulletin09 January 2024Secretariat 
IP02_JPN AI.9 - CRV Implementation Status and Future Plans in Japan.pdfIP/02CRV Implementation Status and Future Plans in Japan09 January 2024Japan 
IP03_USA AI 2 - ICAO IPS ROADMAP.pdfIP/03ICAO IPS Roadmap  09 January 2024USA/FAA 
IP04_ROK AI 9 - Voice and DATA Implementation Status in Republic of Korea Rev3.0.pdfIP/04Voice and DATA Implementation Status in Republic of Korea18 January 2024Republic of Korea 
IP05_PAK AI 5 and 9- Progress of CRV Implementation in Pakistan.pdfIP/05Progress of CRV Implementation in Pakistan11 January 2024Pakistan 
IP06_HK AI.9 -2024 CRV Implementation Plan in Hong Kong China.pdfIP/06Further Enhancing Aeronautical Network Connectivities in Hong Kong, China via CRV Implementation12 January 2024Hong Kong, China 
IP07_AUS AI.9- Australia CRV Implementation Update.pdfIP/07Australia CRV Implementation Update12 January 2024Australia 
IP08_SL AI.9- Progress of CRV Implementation in Sri Lanka.pdfIP/08Progress of CRV Implementation in Sri Lanka15 January 2024Sri Lanka 
IP09_INDO AI.9- Indonesia CRV Implementation.pdfIP/09Current Status of CRV Implementation in Indonesia19 January 2024Indonesia 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(2)
SP01 - Progress of CRV Implementation in Pakistan.pdfSP/01Progress of CRV Implementation in Pakistan12 January 2024Pakistan 
SP02_PCCWG- CRV Network Yearly Service Review 2023_rev01.pdfSP/02CRV Network Yearly Service Review 202312 February 2024PCCWG 

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