Type Name : 2016 FIT-Asia/5 (22)
 Category : 1-Report (1)
| |  | | Final Report Datalink Seminar and FIT-Asia/5 | Final Report Datalink Seminar and FITAsia5 | May 17, 2016 | Secretarait | |
 Category : 2-General Information (7)
| |  | | Operational Data Link Seminar and FIT-Asia/5 Invitation Letter | AP030 - Datalink Seminar and FIT Asia5 Invitation Letter | Mar 04, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | | Registration Form | App-C Registration Form | Mar 04, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | | FIT-Asia/5 IP WP Template | FIT Asia5 IPWP Template | Mar 21, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | | Group Photo Operational Data Link Seminar and FIT-Asia/5 | group photo | May 03, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | | Order of Business | Order of Business | May 04, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | | List of Participants (Any updated, please sent to pjirawiwatkul@icao.int) | List of Participants FIT-Asia5 as 04 May 16 | May 04, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | Updated | Order of Discussion | Order of Discussion | May 04, 2016 | Secretariat | |
 Category : 3-Working Papers (8)
| |  | WP01 | Provisional Agenda | WP01 Provisional Agenda | May 03, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | WP02 | FIT-Asia CRA Arrangements and Problem and Performance Reporting | WP02 FIT-Asia CRA Arrangements and Problem and Performance Reporting | May 03, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | WP03 | Progress on Improving Problem Reporting Mechanism in China | WP03 Progress on Improving Problem Reporting Mechanism in China | May 03, 2016 | China | |
| |  | WP04 | Feedback on Open Problem Reports for L888 Route | WP04 Feedback on Open Problem Reports for L888 Route | May 03, 2016 | China | |
| |  | WP05 | Data Link Performance Report For L888 Route | WP05 Data Link Performance Report For L888 Route | May 03, 2016 | China | |
| |  | WP06 | Operational Data Link Seminar Outcomes | WP06 Operational Data Link Seminar Outcomes | May 03, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | WP07 | FIT-Asia Task List | WP07 FIT-Asia Task List | May 03, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | WP08 | ANS Deficiencies Relating to Data Link Performance Monitoring and Analysis | WP08 ANS Deficiencies Relating to Data Link Performance Monitoring and Analysis | May 03, 2016 | Secretariat | |
 Category : 4-Information Papers (3)
| |  | IP01 updated | List of Papers | IP01 List of Papers | May 04, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | IP02 | Data Link Performance Report for India | IP02 Data Link Performance Report for India | May 03, 2016 | India | |
| |  | IP03 | Data Link Performance Report for Singapore FIR 2015 | IP03 Data Link Performance Report for Singapore FIR 2015 | May 03, 2016 | Singapore | |
 Category : 5-Presentations (2)
| |  | SP01 | FIT-Asia Problem Report | SP01 FIT ASIA Problem Report Briefing 2016 | May 05, 2016 | Boeing | |
| |  | SP02 | Outcome from the Operational Data Link Seminar | SP02 - Outcomes from the Operational Data Link Seminar | May 04, 2016 | Secretarait | |
 Category : Flimsy (1)
| |  | Flimsy01 | Flimsy01 | Flimsy 1 | May 04, 2016 | Secretarait | |
Type Name : Operational Data Link Seminar (20)
 Category : 2-General Information (1)
| |  | updated | Operational Data Link Seminar Programme | Revised Programme End Day 2 | May 04, 2016 | Secretariat | |
 Category : 5-Presentations (19)
| |  | PPT01 | Asia/Pacific Region Datalink Planning and Implementation Status | P01 APAC Region Data Link Planning and Implementation Status | May 02, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | PPT02-PPT03 | Overview of Data Link and ICAO Provisions on Data Link Implementation | P02_P03 Overview of Data Link and ICAO Provisions on Data Link Implementation | May 02, 2016 | Secretariat | |
| |  | PPT04 | Datalink Implementation in Singapore FIR | P04 - ANSP and State Preparation - Data Link Implementation in Singapore | May 02, 2016 | Singapore | |
| |  | PPT05 | Preparation for implementation - Operator and its State | P05 - Preparation for Implementation - Operator and State | May 02, 2016 | USA | |
| |  | PPT06-PPT07 | Introduction to PBCS and Application of PBCS in Advanced ATM Operations | P06_P07 - Introduction to PBCS and Application of PBCS in Advanced ATM Operations | May 02, 2016 | New Zealand | |
| |  | PPT08 | Prepare for PBCS - ANSP and Operator | P08 - Prepare for PBCS - ANSP and Operator | May 02, 2016 | USA | |
| |  | PPT09 | PBCS Flight Plan RCP and RSP Codes | P09 - Flight Plan RCPand RSP Codes | May 02, 2016 | USA | |
| |  | PPT10 (updated) | PBCS Monitoring NZZO | P10 - Post Implementation Monitoring | May 03, 2016 | New Zealand | |
| |  | PPT11 | Roll and responsibilities of EMA regarding PBCS | P11 - Data Link Monitoring (EMA) | May 03, 2016 | Japan | |
| |  | PPT12 | North Atlantic (NAT) PBCS Transition Strategy | P12 - NAT PBCS Transition Strategy | May 03, 2016 | USA | |
| |  | PPT13 | Sub-regional and National PBCS Transition Strategy | P13 - Sub-regional and National PBCS Transition Strategy | May 03, 2016 | Japan | |
| |  | PPT14 | PBCS Analysis data in Fukuoka FIR | P14 - PBCS analysis data in Fukuoka FIR | May 03, 2016 | Japan | |
| |  | PPT15 | FANS1/A Perfornance Based Coomunications and Surveillance On-Line Analysis Tool | P15 - On line PBCS Analysis Tool | May 03, 2016 | New Zealand | |
| |  | PPT16 | Operational Data Link Implementation | P16 - Data Link Implementation - Airspace User Perspective | May 03, 2016 | IATA | |
| |  | PPT17 (updated) | ATS Data Link Deployment Aircraft Manufacturer's Perspective | P17 - ATS data link deployment Aircraft Manufacturers perspective | May 04, 2016 | Boeing | |
| |  | PPT19 | Issues and Challenges for PBCS Implementation in the APAC Region | P19 - Challenges and Issues for PBCS implementation in the APAC Region | May 03, 2016 | Japan | |
| |  | PPT21 | Modifying ATC automation for RSP/RCP indicators | P21 - Modifying ATC automation for RSPRCP indicators | May 03, 2016 | Japan | |
| |  | PPT22 | Modifying NZZO Oceanic ATM system for PBCS | P22 - Modifying NZZO ATM system for PBCS | May 03, 2016 | New Zealand | |
| |  | PPT23 | Operational Data Link Outcome | P23 - Operational Data Link Seminar Outcomes | May 04, 2016 | Secretarait | |