Safety and Infrastructure Policy and Standardization

Under the organization's Safety Policy and Standardization strategy, the Air Navigation Bureau develops and maintains the Global Aviation Safety Plan and the Global Air Navigation Plan.  These are put into action by all  the sections within the ANB, all the Regional Offices of the organization as well as through Regional Aviation Safety Groups (RASGs) and Regional Planning and Implementation Groups (PIRGs) both of which include States and Aviation Partners from within a defined region.
Aviation risks are often complex and require a coordinated multi-disciplinary response with all stakeholders involved.  Click on the safety programmes listed on the left to find out more about how ICAO and its partners are addressing these.
Global Plans Language
Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9750)
Global Aviation Safety Plan en fr es ru ar zh
en - English fr - Français es - Español ru - Русский ar - عربية zh - 中文


Top Priority Safety and Infrastructure Initatives

Other Initiatives are listed to the left.


Runway Safety

[get text from ISM]


Loss of Controll in Fight

[get text from OPS]


Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT)

[get text from OPS]


Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUs)

[get text from IIM]

Protection of Aviation Spectrum in World Radio Conference 2012

[get text from IIM]




For more information you may contact:

Air Navigation Bureau (ANB)
Telephone: +1 514-954-5831
Fax: +1 514-954-6077
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