Technical Cooperation Programme

Technical Cooperation Programme


In the context of the technical cooperation and technical assistance projects implemented through the ICAO Technical Cooperation Bureau (TCB), the ICAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) complements the activities of the ICAO Regular Programme by supporting Member States in their implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), policies and procedures. In 2015, ICAO implemented a TCP valued at USD 130.2 million, including USD 0.7 million for technical assistance. Under various Trust Fund arrangements, 115 technical cooperation projects and four technical assistance projects were carried out in 140 countries and ten organizations, for which relevant summaries may be found in Appendix 2 to this report.


Over 99 per cent (99.1%) of the total TCP funding was provided by countries that financed their own technical cooperation projects. Extra-budgetary contributions from donors such as development banks, regional organizations, funding institutions and the aviation industry, including voluntary contributions in kind, amounted to 0.9 per cent of Programme volume.


The Programme’s annual implementation volume decreased by 10.8 per cent from 2013 to 2014, and increased by 6.4 per cent from 2014 to 2015 for an average of USD 129.9 million in the triennium.



The three main components of projects implemented by ICAO were the recruitment of field experts, fellowships awarded to civil aviation department personnel selected by governments, and procurement of equipment and services.

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