Strategic Objective — Security and Facilitation — Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)

Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness in Security Measures

Symposium on Innovation in Aviation Security

Air Cargo Security and Facilitation

Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness in Facilitation Measures

Facilitation (FAL) Regional Seminars

ICAO Traveller Identification Programme (TRIP)

Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP)

International Assistance/Capacity Building and Cooperation

Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)


Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)


During 2014, there were nine national and four regional operationally active technical cooperation projects related to the improvement of aviation security systems.


Africa-Indian Ocean (AFI) Region


  • Conduct of aviation security inspections in two States;
  • Development of guidance material in one State; and
  • Delivery of the ICAO Aviation Security (AVSEC) 123/Basic course to 27 national staff of one State.


Asia and Pacific (APAC) Region


  • Continued assistance to 24 States and Special Administrative Regions (SARs) in the field of aviation security through the regional Cooperative Aviation Security Programme (CASP), including technical assistance to Member States and administrations with rectification of deficiencies identified in the Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP) and other aviation security related findings;
  • Conducted assistance and quality control implementation missions in six States (RAS/04/901); and
  • Delivery of training to 45 national staff of 18 States in the areas of airport terminal management (Annex 9 — Facilitation), aviation security, AVSEC national inspectors, AVSEC leadership and management and AVSEC auditing techniques and development of security manuals under the Developing Countries Training Programme of three States.

Caribbean and South American (CAR/SAM) Region


  • Continued assistance in the maintenance of the tomographic equipment for one State;
  • Enhancement of dual access control system security equipment for one State; and
  • Delivery of training to eight nationals of two States, in the areas of aviation security audits, hazardous material incidents and risk management.


Europe and Middle East (EUR/MID) Region


  • Assessment of the national civil aviation security programme for one State;
  • Development of a national civil aviation security training centre for one State;
  • Assistance with the endorsement of an aviation academy in one State as an ICAO Aviation Security Training Centre;
  • Development of basic civil aviation security training courses for one State; and
  • Delivery of training to 94 national staff of one State in the area of basic aviation security.


Technical assistance projects and activities


During 2014, there were no national or regional operationally active technical assistance projects related to security and facilitation.

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