Strategic Objective — Economic Development of Air Transport — Implementation of Resolution A38-14 of the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and of ATConf/6 Recommendations

Implementation of Resolution A38-14 of the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and of ATConf/6 Recommendations

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Implementation of Resolution A38-14 of the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and of ATConf/6 Recommendations


Under the new Strategic Objective “Economic Development of Air Transport”, the Council reviewed the plans for implementation of the decisions of the 38th Session of the Assembly, including Resolution A38-14 Consolidated statement of ICAO’s continuing policies in the air transport field, in conjunction with its action plan for the follow-up work of the Sixth Worldwide Air Transport Conference (ATConf/6 — 18 to 22 March 2013) endorsed by the Assembly. The Secretariat was instructed to undertake relevant work in accordance with the guidance given by the Assembly and the governing bodies with the prioritization agreed by the Council.


In line with the Council’s action plan on ATConf/6 priorities, the Air Transport Regulation Panel (ATRP) held its twelfth meeting in May (ATRP/12). The panel considered several high-priority tasks for the implementation of ATConf/6 Recommendations. As a result, the panel produced a draft ICAO long-term vision for air transport liberalization and a set of core principles on consumer protection, which were reviewed by the Air Transport Committee in September, and subsequently sent to States for further consultation. ATRP/12 also initiated work on the development of international agreements for the liberalization of market access, air carrier ownership and control, and air cargo services. Work on the implementation of Assembly Resolution A38-14 and ATConf/6 Recommendations is expected to continue throughout the 2014 to 2016 triennium.


Following several recommendations from ATConf/6, as endorsed by A38, the Secretariat has completed a number of activities, both global and regional, with a view to raising the awareness of States and key stakeholders of ICAO policies and guidance under the Strategic Objective “Economic Development of Air Transport”. These activities included the conduct by ICAO of major air transport events, where the attention of participants was drawn to the existence, necessary implementation and/or possible enhancement of ICAO policies and guidance, as the case may be, in the fields of taxation, fair competition, consumer protection, and user charges. These events included the ICAO Air Transport Symposium held at ICAO Headquarters in May; the ICAO Meeting on Air Cargo Development in Africa, held in August in Lomé, Togo; the Air Cargo Development Forum, held in September in Zhengzhou, China; the ICAO Regional Air Transport Conference, held in October in Montego Bay, Jamaica; and the ICAO/CAAC Symposium on Low Cost Carriers, held in October in Kunming, China.


As part of the implementation of ATConf/6 Recommendations, ICAO increased its activity in facilitating liberalization of air transport, especially in the area of air cargo services. In cooperation with States and concerned stakeholders, two regional events were organized to promote air cargo development. The ICAO Meeting on Air Cargo Development in Africa, held in Lomé, Togo, resulted in the adoption of a declaration and an action plan to further liberalize air cargo services for the African region. As well, the Air Cargo Development Forum, held in Zhengzhou, China, reviewed recent developments and explored various ways to liberalize the air cargo industry in light of its distinct features, improve facilitation and air cargo security, as well as explore strategies for the development of air cargo hubs and the related value chain.


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