Strategic Objective B – Security – Technical Cooperation and Technical Assistance Projects


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Technical Cooperation and Technical Assistance Projects Implemented through the ICAO Technical Cooperation Bureau (TCB) in the aviation security field


Technical Cooperation Projects and Activities


During 2013, there were 20 national and three regional operationally-active technical cooperation projects which were fully dedicated to aviation security or had elements which assisted civil aviation administrations and international airports to improve their security systems. Major achievements over the period included:



Africa-Indian Ocean (AFI) Region


- The conducting of airport security inspections in two States.


- Updating and development of aviation security regulations for two States.


- Developing aviation security guidance material for two States.


- Provision of aviation security training to DGCA personnel of one State.


Asia and Pacific (APAC) Region


- Continued assistance to 24 States and Special Administrative Regions (SARs) in the field of aviation security through the regional Co-operative Aviation Security Programme (CASP), including technical assistance to Member States and administrations with rectification of USAP-identified deficiencies and other aviation security related findings, as well as provision of inspector and other security related training (first CASP-AP annual technical and operational meeting; aviation security legal seminar; air traffic services provider security provisions workshop; and specialized aviation security quality control workshop); development of a revised CASP-AP Model National Civil Aviation Security Programme (NCSASP) in compliance with Amendments 12 and 13 of Annex 17, and development of new guidance material for air traffic services provider security provisions, instructor certification and implementation training.


- Delivery of training courses for/covering AVSEC national inspectors; the legal aspects of aviation security; senior management of aviation security; aviation security and safety; and ICAO aviation security leadership and management within the framework of Developing Countries Training Programmes offered by three States to national personnel of 34 States.


- Gap analysis on passport issuance and the establishment of identity in one State to improve overall travel document security arrangements, as well as to ensure compliance with ICAO’s Machine Readable Travel Documents (Doc 9303) guidance and other best practices.


Caribbean and South American (CAR/SAM) Region


- Assistance with the installation, maintenance, support and training in the use of software related to SMART systems (information, passive and active equipment) for the international airport of one State.


- Continued software support for check-in and boarding systems in one State.


- Provision of training in Crisis Management to DGCA personnel of one State.


- Assistance in the preparation of the National Aviation Security Training Programme for one State.


- Assistance to one State in the definition of the security infrastructure requirements in nine airports.


Europe and Middle East (EUR/MID) Region


- Procurement of AVSEC equipment for one State.


- Provision of technical consultation to one State on the implementation of e-Border, e-Passport and e Visa systems, as well as the preparation of technical specification documents.


Technical Assistance Projects and Activities


During 2013, there were two operationally-active technical assistance national projects which assisted Civil Aviation Administrations (CAAs) and international airports with improving their security systems. Major achievements over the period included:


Caribbean and South American (CAR/SAM) Region


Review of the National Civil Aviation Security Programme (NCASP); the National Civil Aviation Security Training Programme (NCASTP); the Screener Certification Programme (SCP); and the National Civil Aviation Security Quality Control Programme (NCASQCP) for one State, including:


- Assistance to national personnel in the review of operator programmes.

- Coordination of meetings with aviation security stakeholders to ensure the availability of information required for programme and procedure development, as well as the documenting of stakeholders’ existing procedures.

- Coordination with the United Nations Police (UNPOL) and the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) for the development of training programmes and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the national police force.

- Coordination for the re-establishment of the National Civil Aviation Security Committee.

- Preparation of a draft training programme for the National Airport Authority (AAN).

- Preparation of draft SOPs for test procedures at SCP.

- Preparation of a draft organizational chart for the Department of Aviation Security (DSA).

- Preparation of a draft Code of Conduct and draft credentials for AVSEC Inspectors.

- Preparation of an Information Note and Action Plan for the Director General of Civil Aviation regarding cargo screening implementation by AAN.

- Development of practical certification examinations for State screeners.


Europe and Middle East (EUR/MID) Region


Preparatory work for the establishment of the CASP-MID Programme and dissemination of information to 13 States on its intended operation and benefits for individual States and the region as a whole, including:


- Development of a training strategy for the MID region based on needs analyses conducted in four States and through discussions with their AVSEC experts.

- Development of Terms of Reference for the CASP Experts Working Group.

- Development of a draft CASP-MID work plan for 2013/14.

- Signature of the CASP-MID Programme Document by three States.

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