Implementation Resources

The following links provide an overview of ICAO’s implementation resources for States and industry.





Implementation Flyer    
ICAO’s Regional Offices


Safety Implementation Resources: (English only, except for 2014-2016 Global Aviation Safety Plan)
AOC International Register (secure)
Mission Reports (secure)
NGAP Working Group (secure)
RPASP (secure)
SAFE_FUND (secure)
SPACE/iSTARS (secure)
USOAP CMA-related websites (secure)
CMO Portal (secure)
Safety Implementation Kits (iKITs):
Capacity and Efficiency Implementation Resources: (English only, except for 2013 Global Air Navigation Plan)
Capacity and Efficiency Implementation Kits (iKITs):

Security and Facilitation Implementation Resources: (English only)

Economic Development Implementation Resources: (English only)

Environment Implementation Resources: (English only)
2010 Environment Report  (Chapter 7 - Financing )
2013 Environment Report  (Chapter 6 - Assistance and financing )

ICAO Global Aviation Training Resources: (English only)
ICAO Regional Training Centres of Excellence (coming soon)
Aviation Security Training Resources

ICAO Technical Cooperation Resources: (English only)




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