ICAO Secretary General Visits Indonesia

ICAO Secretary General Raymond Benjamin (L), delivering a memento to Indonesia’s Minister of Transportation, HE. E. E. Mangindaan. Additional photos from Mr. Benjamin’s mission are included below.


MONTRÉAL, 18 February – ICAO Secretary General Raymond Benjamin visited the Republic of Indonesia from 20 to 25 January 2013. During his visit, he held high-level discussions with the civil aviation authorities of Indonesia, including the Minister of Transportation, H.E. Mr. E.E. Mangindaan, and met with representatives of the Indonesian airline industry and other civil aviation stakeholders.


Benjamin was additionally the keynote Speaker at the ASEAN Aviation Training and Education Summit, which took place in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, from 22-23 January 2013. The meeting was also addressed by the Vice-Minister of Transportation of Indonesia, Dr. Bambang Susantono, the Director General of Civil Aviation of Indonesia, Mr. Herry Bakti, the President of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), Mr. Catalin Radu, and the Director Generals and other high-ranking officials of ASEAN member States.


The ASEAN Summit took place in cooperation with ECAC and the JAA Training Organisation (JAA TO) and had as its main objective the development of a framework for closer cooperation between ASEAN countries to maximize the use of existing resources in the field of civil aviation training and education. The event should be seen against the background of the ASEAN “Roadmap for the Integration of the Air Travel Sector” and the region’s vision of a single ASEAN air transport market as of 2015.


As part of the ASEAN Aviation Training and Education Summit, Mr. Benjamin also had the opportunity to visit the Indonesia Civil Aviation Institute (ICAI), which is the main governmental training institution in the field of civil aviation in Indonesia, as well as the Maintenance Facility and the Training Center of Garuda Indonesia Airlines.


Opening Session of the ASEAN Aviation Training and Education Summit, from left to right: Bobby Mamahit, Head of Human Resource Development in Transportation Agency; Raymond Benjamin, Secretary General of ICAO; Dr. Bambang Susantono, Vice Minister of Transportation; Catalin Radu, President of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC); Herry Bakti, Director General of Civil Aviation.


Benjamin is received by the Director General of Civil Aviation, Herry Bakti, and his Senior Staff.


Benjamin delivers the Keynote Speech at the ASEAN Aviation Training and Education Summit

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