Third NAM/CAR Civil Aviation Training Centres Working Group Meeting (NAM/CAR/CATC/WG/3)

ICAO NACC Regional Office, Mexico City, Mexico,19 to 20 October 2016.



​Invitation Letter
​Letter NACC60203
​Letter NACC59372
​Registration Form

​Group Photo


Order of Business​ ​ ​

OB/01 Presented by the Secretariat
​OB/02 Presented by the Secretariat
​Final Report

 Working Papers

​# Item ​Title ​Date ​Language


Rev. 3

​1 ​Provisional Agenda and Schedule — Presented by the Secretariat



​2 ​Status of Outstanding Conclusions from Previous Meetings — Presented by the Secretariat


WP/03 ​4.1 ​Standardization of Training Centres — Presented by COCESNA/ICCAE ​06/09/16
WP/04 ​4.2 ​Potential Instructors Database Creation — Presented by Cuba ​29/03/16
WP/05 ​5.1 ​Proposal for the Implementation of a Plan to Promote Aviation Careers as Part of the NGAP Programme — Presented by Dominican Republic ​29/09/16
WP/06 ​4.1 Standardization of Training Programmes — Presented by United States 06/10/16​
WP/07 ​4.2 ​Creation of a Database of Potential Instructors for the NAM/CAR Regions — Presented by United States ​06/10/16
WP/08 ​5.1 Analysis of Courses Offered in each NAM/CAR Region Civli Aviation Training Centre​ — Presented by United States ​06/10/16
​WP/09 ​4.3 ​Proposal for the Creation of a Training Centre Association for the NAM/CAR Regions (NAM/CAR/CATCA) — Presented by the Chairperson of the NAM/CAR/CATC/WG 12/10/16

 Information Papers

#​ Item ​Title ​Date Language
IP/01 ​-- ​List of Working, Information Papers and Presentations — Presented by the Secretariat 18/10/16
IP/02 4.2 ​Instruction Syllabus Standardization — Presented by Cuba 29/03/16
NI/03 4.1​ Aportes e iniciativas del Instituto Dominicano de Aviación Civil en apoyo a los Programas NGAP y NCLB de la OACI a través de la Academia Superior de Ciencias Aeronáuticas ​— Presentada por República Dominicana (Available only in Spanish) 28/09/16 ​--
NI/04 ​4.2 Sistema de selección, capacitación y acreditación de instructore aeronáuticos ​— Presentada por COCESNA/ICCAE (Available only in Spanish) 06/09/16 ​--
NI/05 ​5.1 Programa de formación para técnicos en mantenimiento aeronáutico con especialidad ​— Presentada por COCESNA/ICCAE (Available only in Spanish) 06/09/16 ​--
NI/06 ​5.1 ​Programa "Construcción de campo de entrenamiento para salvamento y extinción de incendios" — Presentada por COCESNA/ICCAE (Available only in Spanish) 06/09/16 ​--
IP/07 ​4.1 FAA Academy Supply/Demand Status​​ — Presented by United States 06/10/16


P/01​5Instituto Centroamericano de Capacitación Aeronáutica ​— Presentada por COCESNA/ICCAE​--
P/02​3​Update on ICAO Global Aviation Training (GAT) Activities — Presented by the Secretariat
P/03​4.1​Standardization of Training Packages — Presented by the Secretariat
P/04​5Hiring and Training Guidelines for Aviation Safety Inspectors of the Flight Standards Directorate ​— Presented by United States


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