​Twenty-sixth Directors of Civil Aviation of the Eastern Caribbean

Meeting (E/CAR/DCA/26) 

New Orleans, United States, 1 - 3 December 2015



​Invitation Letter ​--
Registration Form ​--
​Templates ​--
​General Information ​--
​Group Photo ​ ​
Final Report

Working Papers 

​# ​Item ​Description ​Date ​Language ​
​-- ​-- ​Cover --​​ ​--
-- ​-- ​Order of Business 01, Presented by the Secretariat 1/12/15​​ ​--
-- ​-- ​Order of Business 02, Presented by the Secretariat 2/12/15​ ​--
-- ​-- ​Order of Business 03, Presented by the Secretariat ​3/12/15 ​--
​1 ​Approval of the Meeting Agenda and Schedule, Presented by the Secretariat 13/11/15 ​--
WP/02 2​​ ​Review of the Conclusions from the Previous E/CAR/DCA Meetings and the Fifth North American, Central American and Caribbean Directors of Civil Aviation Meeting (NACC/DCA/5), Presented by the Secretariat 19/11/15​ ​--
WP/03 3.1​​ ​Global Aviation Dialogues (GLADs) on Market-Based Measures to Address Climate Change, Presented by the Secretariat 14/11/15​ ​--
WP/04 ​3.2 ​ICAO-WHO Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) Meetings Results, Presented by the Secretariat ​14/11/15 --​
WP/05 ​4 ​ICAO NACC NCLB Strategy, Presented by the Secretariat ​19/11/15 --​​
WP/06 ​5.1 ​Regional Aviation Safety Group — Pan America Update, Presented by the Secretariat ​19/10/15 --​
WP/07 4​​ ​Cooperation Mechanism with the Regional Safety Oversight Cooperation System (SRVSOP), Presented by SRVSOP ​23/11/15 --​
WP/08 ​6.1.2 ​Air Navigation Deficiencies, Presented by the Secretariat ​20/10/15 ​--
WP/09 6.1.3​ ​CAR/SAM Electronic Air Navigation Plan (eANP), Presented by the Secretariat 21/10/15​ --​​
WP/10 6.3.1​ ​Follow-Up to North American, Central American and Caribbean Working Group (NACC/WG) and NAM/CAR Air Navigation Implementation Working Group (ANI/WG), Presented by the ANI/WG Chairman ​21/10/15 ​--
WP/11 6.3​​.2 ​Results Of Second Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Technical Group Meeting (E/CAR/CATG/2) and Progress Made, Presented by E/CAR/CATG Chairperson 19/11/15​​ ​--
WP/12 ​6.3.3 ​E/CAR Communications Network Performance and Surveillance Data Sharing Implementation, Presented by the E/CAR/NTG Rapporteur ​23/10/15 ​--
WP/13 ​6.3.4 ​Reporting and Monitoring of the Progress in Implementing Air Navigation Targets, Presented by the Secretariat ​18/11/15 ​--
WP/14 ​6.4 ​Regional Action Plan on States’ CO2 Emission Reduction Activities in Aviation and their Implementation, Presented by the Secretariat ​10/11/15 ​--
WP/15 ​7.1 ​Regional NAM/CAR Activity on Aviation Security and Facilitation, Presented by the Secretariat 20/11/15​ ​--
​WP/16 ​7.2 ​ICAO/LACAC NAM/CAR and SAM Aviation Security And Facilitation Regional Group (AVSEC/FAL/RG) Activities , Presented by the Secretariat ​24/11/15 --​
WP/17 ​8.1 ​ICAO Regional Technical Cooperation Project for the Caribbean Region – Phase II of RLA/09/801, Presented by the Secretariat ​18/11/15 ​--
WP/18 ​10.1 Outstanding Contributions, Presented by the Secretariat 03/11/15​​ --​
WP/19 ​10.2 ​Host and Dates for the Next Meeting of Directors of Civil Aviation of the Eastern Caribbean, Presented by the Secretariat ​20/10/15 ​--
WP/20 9.2 ​ NACC Region 2015 TRAINAIR Plus Programme Activities, Presented by the Secretariat 20/11/15 ​--
WP/21 ​6.1.2 ​Usage and Safety Benefits gained by GREPECAS Air Navigation Deficiencies Database GANDD, Presented by United States ​02/11/15 ​--
WP/22 ​5.3 ​Process Development for Resolution of Safety Issues Amongst Aviation Authorities: Pilot Deviations, Presented by United States ​13/11/15 ​--
WP/23 ​7.4 ​Assessing International Inbound Aviation Security Risk, Presented by United States ​13/11/15 ​--
WP/24 ​6.3.1 ​Optimization and harmonization of the Longitudinal Separation Minima in the CAR/SAM FIR’s boundaries, Presented by IATA ​13/11/15 ​--
WP/25 ​6.5 ​Implementation of ICAO’s Policies on Charges in Doc 9082, Presented by IATA ​13/11/15 --​
WP/26 6.3.2​ ​Single AIM QMS, NOTAM Contingency Plan and FPL Error Resolution In The E/CAR Region, Presented by E/CAR/CATG AIM Committee Rapporteur 20/11/15​ ​--
WP/27 ​6.3.2 ​Progress on Search and Rescue (SAR Activities in the E/CAR Region: SAR Committee, Presented by E/CAR/CATG SAR Committee ​20/11/15 ​--
WP/28 ​6.3.2 ​NAM/CAR ANI/WG Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Task Force Report, Presented by the PBN Rapporteur 25/11/15​ ​--
WP/29 10.3 ​Improving the Timeliness and Level of Response to ICAO State Letters, Presented by the Secretariat ​20/11/15 --

Information Papers 

​# ​Item ​Description ​Date ​Language ​
​-- ​List of Working, Information Papers and Presentations, Presented by the Secretariat ​27/11/15 --​
​IP/02 ​5.3 ​ICAO Second High-Level Safety Conference (HLSC) 2015, Presented by the Secretariat ​19/11/15 ​--
​IP/03 ​6.1.1 ​CAR/SAM Regional Planning and Implementation Group (GREPECAS) PPRC/3 and GREPECAS/17 Meeting, Presented by the Secretariat ​20/11/15 ​--
IP/04​ ​5.2 ​Port-Of-Spain Declaration: Regional Air Navigation Targets, Presented by the Secretariat ​19/11/15 ​--
​IP/05 ​7.3 ​Universal Security Audit Programme Continuous Monitoring Approach (USAP-CMA) Implementation, Presented by the Secretariat 20/11/15​ --​​
​IP/06 ​8.2 ​Completion Of The Study of an Own Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) for the CAR/SAM Regions - Project RLA/03/902– Transition To GNSS/SBAS in the CAR/SAM Regions - Augmentation Solution for the Caribbean, Central And South America - (SACCSA) – PHASE III, Presented by the Secretariat 18/11/195 --​
​​IP/07 ​9.1 ​Report of the Second NAM/CAR Civil Aviation Training Centres Working Group Meeting (NAM/CAR/CATC/WG/2), Presented by the Secretariat ​08/11/15 --​
​​IP/08 ​9.2 ​Regional Aviation Training and TRAINAIR Plus Symposium, Presented by the Secretariat ​08/11/15 ​--
​​IP/09 ​5.3 ​Assuring Compliance with International Oversight Obligations without Duplication; Shared Surveillance of Approved Maintenance Organizations, Presented by United States ​13/11/15 ​--
​​IP/10 ​6.4 ​United States Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan, Presented by United States ​13/11/15 ​--
​IP/11 5.2​ ​ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme - Continuous Monitoring Approach (USOAP-CMA): Update, Presented by the Secretariat 19/11/15​​ ​--
IP/12​ ​6.3.2 ​ATFM Update Trinidad and Tobago, Presented by Trinidad and Tobago ​27/11/15 ​--

Discussion Papers 

​# ​Item ​Description ​Date ​Language
DP/01​ ​2 ​Summary of Discussions​, Presented by PIARCO Policy Ad hoc Group  01/12/15​ ​--
DP/02 3,6,10 Draft Conclusions and Decision​, Presented by the Secretariat 02/12/15 --​


​# ​Item ​Description Date ​Language
P/01​ ​4 ​ICAO NACC NCLB Strategy, Presented by the Secretariat --​​ ​--
P/02 5.1 ​RASG-PA, Presented by the Secretariat --​​ ​--
​P/03 4 Cooperation Mechanism with the Regional Safety Oversight Cooperation System (SRVSOP), Presented by the Secretariat ​-- --​​
P/04​ ​7.4 ​Assessing International Inbound Aviation Security Risk, Presented by United States ​-- --​​
P/05​ ​6.3.2 ​NAM/CAR ANI/WG Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Task Force Report, Presented by the PBN Rapporteur --​​ ​--
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