Conference on the Economics of Airports and Air Navigation Services (CEANS)

CEANS 2008

 Report of the Conference on the Economics of Airports and Air Navigation Services (CEANS)
is available under Conference Documentation.


​Welcome to the website of the Conference on the Economics of Airports and Air Navigation Services (CEANS), which ICAO convened in Montréal from 15 to 20 September 2008. CEANS was preceded by a pre-Conference Symposium on Sunday, 14 September 2008.
While the outcome of the latest conference in this area (ANSConf 2000), held in Montréal in June 2000, led to an adjustment of ICAO’s policies on charges to a commercialized and privatized environment, the main purpose with CEANS was to learn from the experiences of the commercialization and privatization process and further develop and refine the policies. In particular, CEANS was expected to enhance and strengthen cooperation between providers and users, through more developed policies on consultation with users.


All ICAO Contracting States and a selected number of international organizations were invited to attend CEANS. But CEANS was also of interest to providers of airports and air navigation services, as well as to air carriers and all other airport/airspace users.


Much interest was expressed worldwide for the Conference and attendance reflected the importance attached by States to improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of their airports and air navigation services, while at the same time meeting their obligations and commitments under the Chicago Convention in the joint international effort to ensure the safe, secure, efficient and sustainable development of civil aviation.


Information concerning organizational and travel arrangements was issued under cover of an ICAO State letter.



For additional information, please contact:
Economic Policy and Infrastructure Management (EPM) Section


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