Second Meeting of the Directors General of Civil Aviation Middle East Region (DGCA-MID/2)

​Saudi Arabia,  20 - 22 May 2013





​Letter of Invitation and Bulletin new icon.jpg
​Change of Dates
Final Report    



​WP No.







​Provisional Agenda
​2 ​1 ​Election of Chairperson & Vice Chairperson
​3 ​3 ​Review and Follow-up Action Items arising from the previous Meeting

​4 ​4 ​Guidance Material for the Convening of the DGCA Meetings ​​
​5 ​4 ​States' Support to the ICAO MID Regional Office ​​
​6 ​5 Outcome and follow-up to the MIDANPIRG/13 MEETING ​​
​7 ​5

Performance based approach to air navigation planning and implementation in the MID Region


​8 ​5 Airspace and ATM improvement ​​
​9 ​5 Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) ​​
​10 ​5 Certification of Aerodromes ​​
​11 ​5 Rationalization of the ATS Route Network in the MID Region ​​
12​ ​5 Middle East Regional Airspace Review (MIDRAR) Initiative ​​
​13 ​5 Contingency Plans in the MID Region ​​
​14 ​5 MID Region AIS Database (MIDAD) Project ​​
​15 ​5 MID AMC Project ​​
16​ ​5 ITU WRC ​​
​17 ​5

Mutual Acknowledgment of Engineering & Maintenance Licensing and Certification Regulations


​18 ​5 Outcome of the MEAUSE surveys ​​
​19 ​6 Outcome of the Second Meeting of the Regional Aviation Safety Group-Middle East Region (RASG-MID/2). ​​





Regional safety indicators and targets



21​ ​6 ​MID Region Safety Summit
​22 6

Outcome of the Seminar/Workshop on Regional Safety Oversight Programmes


​23 ​6 Pandemic Preparedness Planning for the Aviation Sector
​24 7​ Cooperative Aviation Security Programme for the Middle East (CASP-MID)
​25 ​7

Update on amendments to Annexes 9 and 17 and action required by MID States


26​ 7​ Key security initiatives
​27 ​8 Civil Aviation and the Environment
28​ ​10 EU-Arab Aviation Relations
29​ ​9

The ICAO Technical Co-operation Programme in the MID Region and examples of projects in other Regions


​30 11​

Dates and Venues of DGCA-MID/3 and DGCA-MID/4 Meetings


31​ ​12

Voluntary Contributions for Translation of ICAO Public Websites and to Achieve Parity in Arabic Documentation


32​ ​6

Assistance to resolve safety deficiencies by establishing priorities and setting measurable targets


33​ 7​

Implementation of Standard 3.10.1 of Annex 9 – Facilitation


​34 ​5 The Achievements and Developments in the field of Flight Procedures Design in Saudi Arabia
​35 ​5 GACA Contingency Plans
36​ 8 Interim Global Market Based Measure (MBM) Scheme
37​ ​8 Interim Global Market Based Measure (MBM) Scheme
​38 8​

Fundamental Principles of International Aviation & the Environment

39​ ​6 Support for a Global Safety Framework
40 ​4 استخدام اللغة العربية في المكتب الإقليمي لمنظمة الإيكاو في إقليم الشرق الأوسط ​      
​41 ​6 Regional Safety Information Exchange Mechanism
42​ ​6 Regional Safety Oversight Organization
43​ ​6 Reporting Dangerous Goods Occurrence
​44 5​ ANS Performance Excellence (PPT/1 refers)
​45 ​5 Establishment of MID Airspace Evolution Program 2018 (MAE 2018)






Agenda Item​ ​Title



​1 -​ ​List of Working Papers and Information Papers
​2 ​- ​Work Programme


Follow-up to Recommendations of the Twelfth Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/12)
​4 7 Recent Developments in Aviation Security and facilitation Including the Outcome of the High-Level Conference on Aviation Security
5​ 10​ ​Outcome of the ATCONF/6
​6 ​6 Annex19- Safety Management
​7 5 ​A Comprehensive Strategy for Air Navigation Revised Global Air Navigation Plan
​8 ​6 Update on the Development of Halon Alternatives for Aircraft Fire Extinguishing Systems
9​ ​6 ​Progress in Addressing The Safety Concern of Language Proficiency
10​ 6 The State of Global Aviation Safety Addressing Key Priorities for the Next Triennium
11​ ​6
The Evolution of Electronic Tools and Data:
A Strategic Plan for the Creation of A Community-Driven Decision-Support Digital Environment for the Global Aviation Community
​12 6​
Safety Management: A Common Foundation for Collaboration
13​ 12 تجربة المملكة في خطة الطوارئ للمطارات ​      
​14 5​ الأكاديمية السعودية للطيران المدن ​      
​15 5​
GACA ATM Innovation Program
​16 5
The MINI-Global Demonstration
​17 ​6 ​ICAO USOAP Audits: Sudan's Experience
18​ 6​ ​COPSCA-GS terms of reference and Assistance Activities under RASG-MID Working Program
19​ 7​ Achievements of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the scope of Civil Aviation Security



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