Air Traffic Services Route Network Task Force, Fifth Meeting (ARN TF/5)

Air Traffic Services Route Network Task Force, Fifth Meeting (ARN TF/5)
Amman, Jordan, 5-7 February 2012



​WP No.



WP/01​ 1​ Adoption of the Provisional Agenda​
WP/02​ 2​ Review of MIDANPIRG/12 and DGCA MID/1 Conclusions and Decisions​
WP/03​ 3​ ​Review of ATS Route Network
​WP/04 3​ The Need for Improving the ATS Route Network in the MID Region​
​WP/05 3​ Implementation of Contingency Plans in the MID Region​
​WP/06 ​4 Amendments to the ATS Route Network Catalogue​
​WP/07 ​6 Review of the ATS Route Network Deficiencies​
WP/08​ ​7 ​ARN TF/6 Date, Duration and Venue
WP/09​ ​3 Improvement to the ATS Route Structure​
​WP/10 ​4 Proposed Amendments to the ATS Route Catalogue​
​WP/11 ​3 Proposals for New ATS Routes​
​WP/12 ​3 Proposed Airspace Improvements​
WP/13​ ​3 Resdesignation of ATS Routes in Jeddah and Adjacent FIRs​
WP/14​ ​5 Update of ATS Route Designators in Cairo FIR​
​WP/15 ​5 MIDRAR Activity​




​IP No.



​IP/01 ​- ​List of Information and Working Papers
​IP/02 -​ Order of Business and Work Programme​



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