1st Interregional English Language Proficiency Workshop Kuwait, 9 -11 November 2015

The first Interregional English Language Proficiency (IELP) Workshop (WS) jointly organized by the Asia and Pacific (APAC), European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) and Middle East (MID) Regional Offices of ICAO was held in Kuwait, from 9 to 11 November 2015, graciously hosted by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation of Kuwait.

The 3 days IELP WS was attended by 116 participants, originating from 14 States of 3 ICAO regions, 4 international organizations and 8 industry stakeholders. The works of the IELP WS was covered by national press and television.

The Programme Coordinating Group (COG) Language Proficiency Requirements Implementation (LPRI) Task Force (TF), a unique and highly specialized group of linguistic and operational experts reporting to the ICAO EUR/NAT, EANPG/COG was mandated to support the organization of the IELP Workshop in the behalf of the ICAO EUR Region.
The workshop acknowledged that:
  • The Language Proficiency Requirements are safety critical and their effective implementation should continue to be supported by States.
  • ICAO continue to monitor the implementation of LPRs through USOAP CMA and should consider developing additional ELP related Protocol Questions (PQs)
  • The implementation of aviation English language testing and training best practices in accordance with ICAO Document 9835 are key for the successful implementation of the language proficiency requirements;
  • Licenses for pilots and air traffic controllers should be endorsed based on ICAO recognized tests;
  • There is a need to enhance States’ LPRI safety oversight related capabilities, including through the ICAO Home of the English Language Proficiency Programme (HELPP) and the training of concerned regulators’ staff;
  • ICAO consider the inclusion of ELP related procedures in the PANS Training document (Doc 9868) as appropriate;
  • Cooperation and sharing of information and resources at regional/sub-regional level to be encouraged
The detailed outcomes of the IELP WS will be presented to the EANPG/57 and it is expected that COG LPRI TF be mandated to support the ICAO HELP Programme and organize similar interregional activities.
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