First meeting of Directors of the ICAO ASTCs in EURNAT Regions: Paris (France) 3 and 4 December 2013

 Paris (France) 3 and 4 December 2013
On 3 and 4 December 2013 the directors of the eight Aviation Security Training Centres (ASTCs) located in the EUR and NAT regions conducted their first regional meeting in Paris. A growing amount of ASTCs and the diversity of centres in the EUR/NAT regions teaching ICAO AVSEC courses in English, French and Russian language require excellent coordination. The creation of a regional Directors’ meeting is meant to support cooperation in the Region and to prepare a coordinated input to the yearly global ASTC Directors’ meeting. Professor Galina Suslova from the National Aviation University in Kyiv was elected as chairlady and led this first meeting successfully. A catalogue of joint conclusions was developed and will be provided as EUR/NAT input to ICAO HQ for the preparation of the global ASTC Directors meeting.
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