
Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database (FAOSD) Programme Workshop
(Bangkok, Thailand, 20-21 October 2014)
collapse Type Name : 2014 FAOSD ‎(9)
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(3)
List of participants FAOSDWorkshop for web.pdfList of ParticipantsList of participants FAOSDWorkshop for web20 Oct. 2014Secretariat 
group photo FOASD 20-21 Oct 2014.pdfGroup Photogroup photo FOASD 20-21 Oct 201420 Oct. 2014 
AP114-14-FS _ Att C Detailed Programme.pdfWorkshop ProgrammeAP114-14-FS _ Att C Detailed Programme20 Oct. 2014 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(6)
1. Terms_Conditions of the FAOSD Programme.pptx01Terms & Conditions Roles and Responsibilities1. Terms_Conditions of the FAOSD Programme21 Oct. 2014 
2. Getting Started n Inspection Form.pptx02FAOSD Programme Getting Started2. Getting Started n Inspection Form21 Oct. 2014 
3. Inspection_Search.pptx03FAOSD Programme User Instructions – Inspection: Search3. Inspection_Search21 Oct. 2014 
4. Inspection-History_Edit.pptx04FAOSD Programme User Instructions – Inspection: History/Edit Functions4. Inspection-History_Edit21 Oct. 2014 
5. Board.pptx05FAOSD Programme User Instructions – Board – Notice/Information5. Board21 Oct. 2014 
6. Queries.pptx06FAOSD Programme User Instructions – Queries6. Queries21 Oct. 2014 

 For further information, please contact:
Mr. KONG, Cheong Tuck 
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