
Regional Runway Safety Seminar (RRSS Asia Pacific)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18 to 20 November 2013 
collapse Type Name : 2013 RRSS ‎(31)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
APAC-KL RRSS Executive Summary docx rev 1 MS EG.pdf1RRSS Outcomes APAC-KL RRSS Executive Summary docx rev 1 MS EGDec 13, 2013ICAO 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
AP123-13 (AGA).pdf1Invitation LetterAP123-13 (AGA)Aug 20, 2013ICAO 
AP-AGA0168-13.pdf2Letter Ref.: T 6/11.22- AP-AGA0168/13 dated 14 October 2013AP-AGA0168-13Oct 15, 2013ICAO 
updated KL RRSS Programme  docx rev 6_ November 14.pdf3Provisional Programme (Revised)updated KL RRSS Programme docx rev 6_ November 14Nov 14, 2013Secretariat 
List of Participants_final1.pdf4List of ParticipantsList of Participants_final1Dec 10, 2013Secretariat 
2013 - ICAO KL_RRSS_Opening-Remarks_2013-11-16.pdf5Opening Remarks2013 - ICAO KL_RRSS_Opening-Remarks_2013-11-16Nov 28, 2013ICAO 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(25)
S1-P1-Mr Mohamed Elamiri.pdf01S1-P1 - The Big PictureS1-P1-Mr Mohamed ElamiriNov 27, 2013ICAO 
S1-P2-Mr. Rudy Quevedo.pdf02S1-P2 - Mitigating the RisksS1-P2-Mr. Rudy QuevedoNov 27, 2013FSF 
S1-P3 - Managing the Risks - The Need for a Collaborative Approach.pdf03S1-P3 - Managing the Risks - The Need for a Collaborative ApproachNov 27, 2013AAPA 
S2-P1 - Runway Safety Teams (RSTs) Description and Processes.pdf04S2-P1 - Runway Safety Teams (RSTs) Description and ProcessesS2-P1 - Runway Safety Teams (RSTs) Description and ProcessesNov 27, 2013Japan 
S2-P2 - Mr. Carl Modder.pdf05S2-P2 - Runway Safety at Hong Kong International Airport - An Air Traffic Control PerspectiveS2-P2 - Mr. Carl ModderNov 27, 2013Hong Kong 
S2-P3 - Mr. R. C. Raman.pdf06S2-P3 - Runway Safety Team and Stakeholder Involvement - Airport PerspectiveS2-P3 - Mr. R. C. RamanNov 27, 2013BIAL 
S2-P4 - Mr. Sanjeet Singh.pdf07S2-P4 - Pilot’s Perspective on Runway Safety Team and Stakeholder InvolvementS2-P4 - Mr. Sanjeet SinghNov 27, 2013MAPA 
S3-P1 - Capt Adrian Abraham.pdf08S3-P1 - Hazards and Mitigation StrategiesS3-P1 - Capt Adrian AbrahamNov 27, 2013Malaysia 
S3-P2 - Mr. James White.pdf09S3-P2 - Runway Safety InitiativesS3-P2 - Mr. James WhiteNov 27, 2013FAA 
S3-P3 - Mr. Kanhaya La.pdf10S3-P3 - The Air Traffic Controller/ATC perspective on hazards and mitigation strategiesS3-P3 - Mr. Kanhaya LaNov 27, 2013India 
S3-P4-Part 1 - Ms. Lilian Fong.pdf11S3-P4-Part 1 - Runway Incursion Hazards and Mitigation – Regulator’s perspectiveS3-P4-Part 1 - Ms. Lilian FongNov 27, 2013Hong Kong 
S3-P4-Part 2 - Mr. Wing Yeung.pdf12S3-P4-Part 2 - Runway Incursion Hazards and MitigationsS3-P4-Part 2 - Mr. Wing YeungNov 27, 2013Hong Kong 
S4-P1- Mr. Sam Goodwill.pdf13S4-P1 - Available TechnologiesS4-P1- Mr. Sam GoodwillNov 27, 2013Boeing 
S5-P1 - Mr. Mahyuddin Sajuri.pdf14S5-P1 - Regulator’s ChallengesS5-P1 - Mr. Mahyuddin SajuriNov 27, 2013Malaysia 
S5-P2 - Mr. Mike.pdf15S5-P2 - Runway Incursions-Excursions-Runway ConfusionS5-P2 - Mr. MikeNov 27, 2013IFATCA 
S5-P3 - Regional Example - Australia.pdf16S5-P3 - Runway Safety Team Experience and Challenges - A Regional ExampleS5-P3 - Regional Example - AustraliaNov 27, 2013Australia 
S5-P4 - Mr. Justin Koens.pdf17S5-P4 - Identification and Mitigation of HazardsS5-P4 - Mr. Justin KoensNov 27, 2013MAF 
S6-P1- Dr Zainul Fuad.pdf18S6-P1 - Role of Regulator Aerodrome / Runway SafetyS6-P1- Dr Zainul FuadNov 27, 2013Malaysia 
S6-P2- Mr. Cheng.pdf19S6-P2 - Airport Operator’s Perspective on Incursion Hazards and Proposed Mitigation StrategiesS6-P2- Mr. ChengNov 27, 2013Malaysia 
S6-P3- Mr. Mohd Zubir.pdf20S6-P3 - Excursion Hazards and Mitigation Strategies – Airport Operator’s PerspectiveS6-P3- Mr. Mohd ZubirNov 27, 2013Malaysia 
S6-P4- Mr. Chew.pdf21S6-P4 - Runway Safety Team - From Inception to ImplementationS6-P4- Mr. ChewNov 27, 2013Malaysia 
Session 6 - Moderator.pdf22Session 6 – The Malaysian RST ExperienceSession 6 - ModeratorNov 27, 2013Malaysia 
Session 7 - Mr. Wayne Chapin.pdf23Session 7 — The Way ForwardSession 7 - Mr. Wayne ChapinNov 27, 2013CTA COSCAP NA 
Session 8 Presentation 1 RST tools.pdf24Session 8 - RST Tools and ProcessesSession 8 Presentation 1 RST toolsDec 09, 2013ICAO 
KL RRSS day 3 Workshop.pdf25Session 8 - Kuala Lumpur RRSS WorkshopKL RRSS day 3 WorkshopDec 09, 2013ICAO 

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