2011 PBN

​ICAO Asia/Pacific Performance Based Navigation (PBN) - 1) PBN​​ Workshop 2) PBN Implementation Seminar 2011 3) PBN/TF/8 Meeting

( New Delhi, India,9-13 May 2​011)

collapse Type Name :  ‎(7)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(3)
PBN TF Group Photo.pdfPBN TF Group PhotoPBN TF Group PhotoMay 31,2011
PBN Workshop Group Photo.pdfPBN Workshop Group PhotoPBN Workshop Group PhotoMay 31,2011
REPORT_PBNSeminarTF8_NewDelhi__2_[1].pdfReport of the Eighth Meeting of the Performance Based Navigation Task Force (PBN/TF/8)REPORT_PBNSeminarTF8_NewDelhi__2_[1]Jun 07,2011
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(4)
AP012-11 PBNTF8 States.pdfState Letter ref. T3/8.30-AP012/11 (ATM) dated 04 February 2011AP012-11 PBNTF8 StatesApr 05,2011
AP044-11 (ATM) States.pdfState Letter ref. T3/8.30-AP044/11 (ATM) dated 28 March 2011AP044-11 (ATM) StatesApr 05,2011
Order of BusinessREV.pdfOrder of BusinessOrder of BusinessREVMay 06,2011
PBN TF8 News.pdfICAO PBN NewsPBN TF8 NewsMay 16,2011
collapse Type Name : PBN Implementation Seminar 2011 (10-11 May 2011)- ‎(17)
collapse Category : Seminar Materials ‎(17)
PBN TF8 Seminar Programme draft_WEB.pdfPBN TF/8 Seminar ProgrammePBN TF8 Seminar Programme draft_WEBMay 06,2011
Presentation1 PBN TF presentation110506.pdfPresentation01ICAO Global PBN UpdatePresentation1 PBN TF presentation110506May 16,2011ICAO
Presentation2 GAGAN- INDIAN SBAS PROGRAM [Compatibility Mode].pdfPresentation02Indian SBAS - GAGAN & PBN ImplementationPresentation2 GAGAN- INDIAN SBAS PROGRAM [Compatibility Mode]May 16,2011India
Presentation3 FPP and COSCAP.pdfPresentation03Asia-Pacific FPP & Asia COSCAP UpdatePresentation3 FPP and COSCAPMay 16,2011COSCAP-NA
Presentation4 FAA PBN TF8 Briefing [Compatibility Mode].pdfPresentation04Performance-Based Navigation: Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigation Performance (RNP) ProgramPresentation4 FAA PBN TF8 Briefing [Compatibility Mode]May 16,2011US FAA
Presentation5 PBN FIJI.pdfPresentation05PBN Implementation Barriers and Solutions for Small States - FijiPresentation5 PBN FIJIMay 16,2011Fiji
Presentation5A PBN PNG.pdfPresentation05APBN Implementation Update - Papua New GuineaPresentation5A PBN PNGMay 16,2011Papua New Guinea
Presentation6 Elminating Roadblocks and Lessons Learned [Compatibility Mode].pdfPresentation06Eliminating the Roadblocks (Lessons Learned)Presentation6 Elminating Roadblocks and Lessons Learned [Compatibility Mode]May 16,2011IATA
Presentation7 BKKTMA [Compatibility Mode].pdfPresentation07Enhancing Airspace Safety and Capacity using PBN - Bangkok TMA Case StudyPresentation7 BKKTMA [Compatibility Mode]May 16,2011Thailand
Presentation8 PBNTF ITAR Aus [Compatibility Mode].pdfPresentation08Implementation of Terminal Area RNP in AustraliaPresentation8 PBNTF ITAR Aus [Compatibility Mode]May 16,2011Australia
Presentation9 PBN Implementation in HK May 2011 v2 [Compatibility Mode].pdfPresentation09PBN Implementation in Hong Kong, ChinaPresentation9 PBN Implementation in HK May 2011 v2 [Compatibility Mode]May 16,2011Hong Kong, China
Presentation10 Application of the terminal PBN separation standard [Compatibility Mode].pdfPresentation10Application of the Terminal PBN Separation StandardPresentation10 Application of the terminal PBN separation standard [Compatibility Mode]May 16,2011ICAO
Presentation11 J RuppertPBN Task Force Seminar.pdfPresentation11The Role of Commercial Organisations in developing State PBN CapabilityPresentation11 J RuppertPBN Task Force SeminarMay 16,2011GE Aviation
Presentation12 RNP Regional Interoperability v1.pdfPresentation12RNP Regional InteroperabilityPresentation12 RNP Regional Interoperability v1May 16,2011Australia
Presentation13 CAMBODIA PBN [Compatibility Mode].pdfPresentation13PBN Implementation Plan - SSCA CambodiaPresentation13 CAMBODIA PBN [Compatibility Mode]May 16,2011Cambodia
Presentation14 MALDIVES.pdfPresentation14Progress on PBN Implementation in the MaldivesPresentation14 MALDIVESMay 16,2011Maldives
Presentation15 Thai PBN Progress [Compatibility Mode].pdfPresentation15Performance Based Navigation Implementation in ThailandPresentation15 Thai PBN Progress [Compatibility Mode]May 16,2011Thailand
collapse Type Name : PBN Workshop (9-12 May 2011)- ‎(5)
collapse Category : Workshop Document ‎(5)
08_ Time Required per project (calculation).pdfAirspace Concept Handbook Activities 1 to 15: Project Planning Sample08_ Time Required per project (calculation)May 04,2011
08_New sid-star x v3.pdfVertical Interaction between Unconstrained Departure & Arrival08_New sid-star x v3May 04,2011
08_Place_TMA_Single_RWY_Docs_students new2.pdfPBN Airspace Concept - Case Study08_Place_TMA_Single_RWY_Docs_students new2May 04,2011
08_RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN Nordland TMA single rwy.pdfRecent Developments in Kapitali TMA08_RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN Nordland TMA single rwyMay 04,2011
New Delhi Time Table_Revised.pdfWorkshop Time-TableNew Delhi Time Table_RevisedMay 05,2011
collapse Type Name : PBN/TF/8 (12-13 May 2011)- ‎(16)
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(11)
WP01.pdfWP01Provisional AgendaWP01May 04,2011Secretariat
WP02.pdfWP02State PBN Implementation Progress (Note: Attachment to WP/02 will be sent to all participants by e-mail)WP02May 05,2011Secretariat
WP03.pdfWP03Proposed Amendments to the Asia/Pacific Regional PBN Implementation PlanWP03May 05,2011IATA
WP04.pdfWP04Regional Development and Implementation (REDI) InitiativesWP04May 05,2011IATA
WP05.pdfWP05Status of APANPIRG ConclusionsWP05May 04,2011Secretariat
WP06.pdfWP06RNP4 SurveyWP06May 04,2011Secretariat
WP07.pdfWP07Future of the PBN TFWP07May 06,2011Australia
WP08.pdfWP08Progress on the Establishment of APAC Regional RAIM Prediction SystemWP08May 05,2011Thailand
WP09.pdfWP09Review of PBN TF Task ListWP09May 04,2011Secretariat
WP10.pdfWP10RNP Regional InteroperabilityWP10May 06,2011
WP11.pdfWP11PBN UpdateWP11May 09,2011Secretariat
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(5)
IP01.pdfIP01List of Working Papers (WPs) and Information Papers (IPs)IP01May 09,2011Secretariat
IP02.pdfIP02FPP/COSCAP PBN UpdateIP02May 05,2011FPP/COSCAPs
IP03.pdfIP03Thailand PBN Implementation UpdateIP03May 05,2011Thailand
IP04.pdfIP04APANPIRG Contributory Bodies Structure Review Task ForceIP04May 05,2011Secretariat
IP05.pdfIP05The Current Status of the MTSAT ServicesIP05May 09,2011Japan

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